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                             OEPLITEM FILE

                            Price List Item

This file contains pricing/discounting parameters for specific items.  These
parameters override those at the price list and price list sales class level.


BL120     BL122     BL130     BL20.1    BL20.3    BL21.2
BL21.5    BL243     BL245     BL246     BL247     BL29.1
BL29.2    BL31.1    BL31.2    BL31.3    BL31.5    BL31.7
BL32.3    BL32.4    BL520     BL820     BL85.1    BL85.2
BL90.1    BL92.1    WH20.2    WH20.7


BL45.1    BL45.3    BL46.1    BL46.3    BL47.1    BL47.3


OPI-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the          BL47.3
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

OPI-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Customer      This field contains the number that       BL47.3
                       represents a customer.

OPI-LIST-NAME          Alpha 14                                  BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: List Name     Enter the identifier of the price list    BL47.3
                       that is to have the price list item
                       record established.

OPI-PROMOTION          Alpha 10                                  BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Promotion     Enter the name of the promotion that is   BL47.3
                       to have an item level price modifier

OPI-ITEM               Alpha 32                                  BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Item          The item identifier that is to be         BL47.3
                       priced at the item price list level.

OPI-BEG-DATE           Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL46.1  BL46.3
Element: Beg Date      This is the beginning date indicating     BL47.1  BL47.3
                       when the promotion item price modifier
                       will begin.

OPI-END-DATE           Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL46.1  BL46.3
Element: End Date      This is the end date indicating when      BL47.1  BL47.3
                       the promotion item price modifier will
                       no longer be valid.

OPI-PROHIBIT-FL        Alpha 1                                   BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: All Flag      Indicates whether sales of the item are   BL47.3
                       prohibited, meaning that no sales of
                       this item will be allowed (unless there
                       is an item level record pricing the
                       item, as that level overrides the sales
                       class records).
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

OPI-NO-CHARGE-FL       Alpha 1                                   BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: No Charge Fl  No charge flag indicating that there      BL47.3
                       will not be a charge for this item when
                       it is priced using this record.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

OPI-MULT-SPR-FL        Alpha 1                                   BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: All Flag      Multiple sell price flag. The flag is     BL47.3
                       set if the item has multiple pricing set
                       in the Item Master file. If this flag is
                       set, price break is maintained in the
                       order line pricing UOM's file.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

OPI-UOM-BRK-CD         Alpha 1                                   BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Uom Brk Cd    The unit of measure break code            BL47.3
                       determines how the price list item
                       record will modify the price base for
                       this item if it is priced using multiple
                       units of measure. For example, if a (P)
                       is used, the pricing parameters below
                       will multiply the price base by a
                       percentage defined below. If a (U) is
                       used, the pricing parameters below will
                       add the add-on charge amount defined to
                       each unit of measure.
                       U = Unit Add-On
                       O = Override Price
                       P = Percentage

OPI-UOM                Alpha 4 Occurs 10 Times                   BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Uom           This field contains the valid stock       BL47.3
                       unit of measure for this item.

OPI-SELL-PRICE-FL      Alpha 1 Occurs 10 Times
Element: Account Flag  This flag specifies if this alternate
                       unit of measure is valid for the sell
                       price in the Order Entry system. Valid
                       values are:
                           Blank = Cannot be used
                           1 = Valid, default on entry
                           2 = Valid

OPI-PCT                Percent 5.2  (Percent) Occurs 10 Times    BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Pct           This price break percentage is the        BL47.3
                       percentage that should be multiplied
                       against the price base for the item if
                       the quantity ordered exceeds the lower
                       limit to the left and is less than the
                       next limit.

OPI-UNIT-PRICE         Signed 18.5 Occurs 10 Times               BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Intl Cost     The price break unit price amount that    BL47.3
                       should be added to the unit price of the
                       item if the quantity ordered exceeds the
                       lower limit and is less than the next

OPI-ADD-UNIT-PRIC      Signed 18.5 Occurs 10 Times               BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Intl Cost     This is the Price Break Add-on Unit       BL47.3
                       Price Amount field that should be added
                       to each unit of the item if the quantity
                       ordered exceeds the lower limit to the
                       left and is less than the next limit.

OPI-QTY-BRK-CD         Alpha 1                                   BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Qty Brk Cd    The quantity pricing code determines      BL47.3
                       how the price list item record will
                       modify the price base. For example, if a
                       (P) is used, the pricing parameters
                       below will multiply the price base by a
                       percentage defined below. If a (U) is
                       used, the pricing parameters below will
                       add the add-on charge amount defined to
                       each unit of measure for the item
                       U = Unit Add-On
                       O = Override Price
                       P = Percentage

OPI-BRK-QTY            Signed 9.0 Occurs 10 Times                BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Disc Qty      If special pricing percentages or         BL47.3
                       amounts should be applied for a specific
                       item depending on quantities ordered,
                       the lower item order quantity limit is
                       entered in this field. An order of an
                       item quantity surpassing this limit and
                       less than the next limit will be priced
                       using the modifier found in the next
                       series of fields.

OPI-BRK-PCT            Percent 5.2  (Percent) Occurs 10 Times    BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Pct           The percentage that should be             BL47.3
                       multiplied against the price base for
                       the item if the quantity ordered exceeds
                       the lower limit and is less than the
                       next limit.

OPI-BRK-PRICE          Signed 18.5 Occurs 10 Times               BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Intl Cost     This is the price break unit price        BL47.3
                       amount field that should be added to the
                       unit price of the item if the quantity
                       ordered exceeds the lower limit and is
                       less than the next limit.

OPI-BRK-ADD-ON         Signed 18.5 Occurs 10 Times               BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Intl Cost     The price break add-on unit price         BL47.3
                       amount that should be added to each unit
                       of the item if the quantity ordered
                       exceeds the lower limit and is less than
                       the next limit.

OPI-DISC-CODE          Alpha 10                                  BL45.3  BL46.3
Element: Discount Code A discount code can be added at this      BL47.3
                       level of the price list modifier. If you
                       enter a discount code, the discount will
                       automatically be applied to lines priced
                       via this record.

OPI-MULT-SPR-IND       Derived
Element: Mult Spr Ind  This is the multiple selling price
                       indicator that tells the user that there
                       are multiple pricing units of measure
                       defined for this item.

OPI-BRK-QTY-1          Derived
Element: Brk Qty 1     This is the first occurrence of the
                       quantity breaks identified on the price
                       list item modifier. This is used in
                       creating BL90.1 (Pricing Inquiry).

OPI-BRK-PRICE-1        Derived
Element: Brk Price 1   This is the first occurrence of the
                       quantity price breaks identified on the
                       price list item modifier. This is used
                       in creating BL90.1 (Pricing Inquiry).

                         OEPLITEM FILE INDEX


OPISET1   COMPANY                                                BL120   BL122
          CUSTOMER                                               BL130   BL20.1
          LIST-NAME                                              BL20.3  BL21.2
          PROMOTION                                              BL21.5  BL243
          ITEM                                                   BL245   BL246
                                                                 BL247   BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL31.1
                                                                 BL31.2  BL31.3
                                                                 BL31.5  BL31.7
                                                                 BL32.3  BL32.4
                                                                 BL45.1  BL45.3
                                                                 BL46.3  BL47.1
                                                                 BL520   BL820
                                                                 BL85.1  BL85.2
                                                                 BL90.1  BL92.1

OPISET2   COMPANY       Subset                                   BL47.1  BL47.3
          LIST-NAME     Where PROMOTION != Spaces
          PROMOTION     And   CUSTOMER  =  Spaces

OPISET3   COMPANY       Subset                                   BL46.1
          CUSTOMER      Where PROMOTION =  Spaces
          LIST-NAME     And   CUSTOMER  != Spaces

OPISET5   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        BL120   BL122
          CUSTOMER      Where CUSTOMER  != Spaces                BL130   BL20.1
          ITEM          And   PROMOTION =  Spaces                BL20.3  BL21.2
          END-DATE                                               BL21.5  BL243
                                                                 BL29.1  BL29.2
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL46.1
                                                                 BL46.3  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL85.1
                                                                 BL85.2  BL90.1
                                                                 BL92.1  WH20.2

OPISET6   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        BL120   BL122
          LIST-NAME     Where PROMOTION != Spaces                BL130   BL20.1
          ITEM          And   CUSTOMER  =  Spaces                BL20.3  BL21.2
          END-DATE                                               BL21.5  BL243
                                                                 BL29.1  BL29.2
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL47.1
                                                                 BL47.3  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL85.1
                                                                 BL85.2  BL90.1
                                                                 BL92.1  WH20.2

                         OEPLITEM FILE RELATIONS



Arcomp         ARCOMP       Required

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> ACO-COMPANY

Arcustomer     ARCUSTOMER   Not Required

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> ACM-COMPANY
                            OPI-CUSTOMER      -> ACM-CUSTOMER

Custdesc       CUSTDESC     Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP    -> CUD-CUST-GROUP
                            OPI-CUSTOMER      -> CUD-CUSTOMER

Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Required

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> ICC-COMPANY

Itemloc        ITEMLOC      Not Required

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> ITL-COMPANY
                            Spaces            -> ITL-LOCATION
                            OPI-ITEM          -> ITL-ITEM

Itemmast       ITEMMAST     Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP    -> ITE-ITEM-GROUP
                            OPI-ITEM          -> ITE-ITEM

Oecompany      OECOMPANY    Required

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> OEC-COMPANY

Oediscount     OEDISCOUNT   Required
                            When OPI-DISC-CODE != Spaces

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> OED-COMPANY
                            OPI-DISC-CODE     -> OED-DISC-CODE

Oeprclist      OEPRCLIST    Required

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> OPL-COMPANY
                            OPI-CUSTOMER      -> OPL-CUSTOMER
                            OPI-LIST-NAME     -> OPL-LIST-NAME
                            OPI-PROMOTION     -> OPL-PROMOTION

Price List     OEPRCLIST    Required
                            When OPI-PROMOTION != Spaces
                            And  OPI-CUSTOMER  =  Spaces

                            OPI-COMPANY       -> OPL-COMPANY
                            Spaces            -> OPL-CUSTOMER
                            OPI-LIST-NAME     -> OPL-LIST-NAME
                            Spaces            -> OPL-PROMOTION