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                             OESLSACCT FILE

                             Sales Accounts

This file stores the accounts needed to post to sales and Cost of Goods Sold
for both stock and nonstock items.  In addition, a target profit margin can be
entered along with a hold code to apply if an order line fails to meet that


BL120     BL122     BL123     BL130     BL20.1    BL20.3
BL205     BL21.2    BL21.5    BL29.1    BL29.2    BL290
BL30.3    BL30.5    BL31.1    BL31.2    BL31.3    BL31.5
BL31.7    BL32.2    BL32.3    BL32.4    BL520     BL820
BL92.1    WH20.2    WH20.7




OSA-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BL05.1
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

OSA-PROCESS-LEVEL      Alpha 5                                   BL05.1
Element: Process Level The process level is the reporting
                       hierarchy below company.

OSA-SALES-MAJCL        Alpha 4                                   BL05.1
Element: Major Class   Sales major class code. Sales
                       major/minor classes are first set up in
                       the Inventory Control system. Every
                       inventoried and nonstock item ordered in
                       the Order Entry and Billing systems must
                       belong to a sales class as that is how
                       the system knows which general ledger
                       accounts to debit and credit.

OSA-SALES-MINCL        Alpha 4                                   BL05.1
Element: Minor Class   Sales minor class code within the major
                       class. Sales major/minor classes are set
                       up in the Inventory Control system.
                       Every inventoried and nonstock item
                       ordered in the Order Entry and Billing
                       systems must belong to a sales class as
                       that is how the system knows which
                       general ledger accounts to debit and

OSA-SLS-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  BL05.1
Element: Acct Unit     Default general ledger account unit to
                       be credited for inventoried and nonstock
                       type items ordered that belong to this
                       sales major/minor class.

OSA-SLS-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BL05.1
Element: Account       Default general ledger account number
                       to be credited for inventoried and
                       nonstock type items ordered that belong
                       to this sales major/minor class.

OSA-SLS-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BL05.1
Element: Sub Acct      Default general ledger subaccount to be
                       credited for inventoried and nonstock
                       type items ordered that belong to this
                       sales major/minor class.

OSA-EXP-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  BL05.1
Element: Acct Unit     This is the general ledger account unit
                       to be credited as an offset to COGS when
                       placing an order for nonstock items
                       within the sales major/minor class.

OSA-EXP-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BL05.1
Element: Account       This is the general ledger account
                       number to be credited as an offset to
                       COGS when placing an order for nonstock
                       items within the sales class.

OSA-EXP-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BL05.1
Element: Sub Acct      This is the general ledger subaccount
                       number to be credited as an offset to
                       COGS when placing an order for nonstock
                       items within the sales class.

OSA-CGS-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  BL05.1
Element: Acct Unit     This is the general ledger account unit
                       that is debited for cost of goods sold
                       when an order is placed for inventoried
                       or nonstock items belonging to this
                       sales major/minor class.

OSA-CGS-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BL05.1
Element: Account       This is the general ledger account
                       number that is debited for cost of goods
                       sold when an order is placed for
                       inventoried or nonstock items belonging
                       to this sales major/minor class.

OSA-CGS-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BL05.1
Element: Sub Acct      This is the general ledger subaccount
                       number that is debited for cost of goods
                       sold when an order is placed for
                       inventoried or nonstock items belonging
                       to this sales major/minor class.

OSA-VAR-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  BL05.1
Element: Acct Unit     The accounting unit is a shorthand
                       notation representing the variable level
                       number. When used in the General Ledger
                       Account Master file, the accounting unit
                       must be defined in the General Ledger
                       Names file as a posting accounting unit.

OSA-VAR-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BL05.1
Element: Account       This field along with the accounting
                       unit and subaccount make up the location
                       (account) where amounts and other
                       account information is stored.

OSA-VAR-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BL05.1
Element: Sub Acct      This field contains the subaccount from
                       your general ledger chart of accounts
                       that was charged with the amount carried
                       on this record.

OSA-PROF-MARGIN        Percent 4.2  (Percent)                    BL05.1
Element: Prof Margin   Entering a profit margin percentage for
                       a sales class will place the Profit Hold
                       Code on order lines for items from this
                       class when the order line's projected
                       profit margin does not exceed this

                       Profit margin is calculated as:
                       (unit net price * SPR UOM (sell unit of
                       measure to price unit of measure
                       conversion factor) - unit cost) / unit
                       net price.

                       This is the target profit margin that
                       should be reached or exceeded by all
                       orders placed using items belonging to
                       this sales class.

OSA-PROF-HOLD-CD       Alpha 4                                   BL05.1
Element: Hold Code     This is the default hold code that the
                       system will place on the order line that
                       does not reach the profit margin

                       These hold codes are set up in the
                       Accounts Receivable system.

                         OESLSACCT FILE INDEX


OSASET1   COMPANY                                                BL05.1  BL120
          PROCESS-LEVEL                                          BL122   BL123
          SALES-MAJCL                                            BL130   BL20.1
          SALES-MINCL                                            BL20.3  BL205
                                                                 BL21.2  BL21.5
                                                                 BL29.1  BL29.2
                                                                 BL290   BL30.3
                                                                 BL30.5  BL31.1
                                                                 BL31.2  BL31.3
                                                                 BL31.5  BL31.7
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 WH20.2  WH20.7

                         OESLSACCT FILE RELATIONS



Arcomp         ARCOMP       Required

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> ACO-COMPANY

Cogs           GLMASTER     Required
                            When OSA-CGS-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   OSA-CGS-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   OSA-CGS-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            OSA-CGS-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            OSA-CGS-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            OSA-CGS-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Expenses       GLMASTER     Required
                            When ((OSA-EXP-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces )
                            Or    (OSA-EXP-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes )
                            Or    (OSA-EXP-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes ))

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            OSA-EXP-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            OSA-EXP-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            OSA-EXP-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Holdcode       HOLDCODES    Required
                            When OSA-PROF-HOLD-CD != Spaces

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> HDD-CUST-GROUP
                            OSA-PROF-HOLD-CD     -> HDD-HOLD-CODE

Holdcodes      HOLDCODES    Required
                            When OSA-PROF-HOLD-CD != Spaces

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> HDD-CUST-GROUP
                            OSA-PROF-HOLD-CD     -> HDD-HOLD-CODE

Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Required

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> ICC-COMPANY

Majorcl        MAJORCL      Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> MAJ-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                  -> MAJ-CLASS-TYPE
                            OSA-SALES-MAJCL      -> MAJ-MAJOR-CLASS

Minorcl        MINORCL      Required
                            When OSA-SALES-MINCL != Spaces

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                  -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            OSA-SALES-MAJCL      -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            OSA-SALES-MINCL      -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

Oecompany      OECOMPANY    Required

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> OEC-COMPANY

Oeproclev      OEPROCLEV    Required

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> OEP-COMPANY
                            OSA-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> OEP-PROCESS-LEVEL

Sales          GLMASTER     Required
                            When OSA-SLS-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   OSA-SLS-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   OSA-SLS-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            OSA-SLS-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            OSA-SLS-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            OSA-SLS-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Variance       GLMASTER     Not Required
                            Valid When OSA-VAR-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                                  Or   OSA-VAR-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                                  Or   OSA-VAR-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            OSA-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            OSA-VAR-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            OSA-VAR-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            OSA-VAR-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT