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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR700 - AR File Update

If you are installing release 7.0.6 or later on top of release 7.0.5 or
earlier, run AR700 (AR File Update) to update new field values of the Accounts
Receivable system.

Before you run AR700 to update data files, make sure that no data exists in
the ARIAPPLIED or ARIADJUST files. If data exists in these files, run AR504
(Application Conversion) to move the data and clear the files.

In addition, before you run AR700, make sure that no data exists in ARSAPPLIED
and ARSADJUST files. These files contain precash application records from
online cash applications. If data exists in the files, run AR130 (Automatic
Cash Application Audit) for each company with Yes selected in the Selected
Applications Only field to apply the cash and clear the files.

AR700 adds default and relational values to new fields within the following

 1. AR Company (ARCOMP)
 2. AR Customer Group (ARCUSTGRP)
 3. AR Customer (ARCUSTOMER)
 4. AR Lock Box Location (ARLOCKBOX)
 5. AR Customer Defaults (CUSTDEFLTS)
 6. AR Application (ARARRPLIED)
 7. AR Application Adjustment (ARADJUST)
 8. AR Payment Remittance (ARREMIT)

AR700 produces a report listing each file processed and the number of records
processed. To verify that the records and files have been processed, you can
obtain a file population count for each of the above files and compare the
file population counts to the AR700 report.

Updated Files

    ARADJUST   - Updates new application amount field.

    ARAPPLIED  - Updates new application amount field.

    ARCOMP     - Default values are established for new fields.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Default values are established for new fields.

    ARCUSTOMER - Default values are established for new fields.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Default values are established for new fields.

    ARREMIT    - Default values are established for new fields.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates the cash code for the company. Sets the used flag to

    CKPOINT    - The environment file used for recovery.

    CUSTDEFLTS - Default values are established for new fields.

Referenced Files

    AROIHDR    - Validates open item header records.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates the cash code. Sets used flag to Yes.