Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


BL232 - Billed To Date

Run this program to list all invoices that have been billed (printed) or
updated to GL by the system for a recurring invoice (or a range of recurring
invoices). You can limit the listing to invoices created for one customer, a
range of customers, or all customers.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    BLRIMAST   - Stores information and control parameters to control creation
                 of customer
                 recurring invoices and the subsequent invoices created from
                 those customer
                 recurring invoices.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate Inventory Control company.

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Billing company.

    OEINVCLINE - Used to store all information for an invoice line.

    OEINVCMISC - Used to store all information for an add-on charge attached to
                 an invoice or
                 invoice line.

    OEINVOICE  - Stores all information for an invoice.

    OEMISC     - Used to validate the Billing add-on charge code.