Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


BL320 - Invoice Purge

Run this program to purge invoices that have completed processing.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used to control program restart logic.

    OEINVCCOMM - Purged by this program.  Used to print invoice/invoice line

    OEINVCDTL  - Purged by this program.  Used to store lot/serial information
                 for an invoice line for subsequent printing on the invoice

    OEINVCLINE - Purged by this program.  Used to store all information for an
                 invoice line.

    OEINVCMISC - Purged by this program.  Used to store all information for an
                 add-on charge attached to an invoice or invoice line.

    OEINVCTAX  - Purged by this program.  Used to store tax amounts calculated
                 when the invoice is released.

    OEINVCUOM  - Purged by this program.  Used to store invoice line pricing
                 information when the line has been priced via multiple units of

    OEINVOICE  - Purged by this program.  Stores all information for an invoice.


Referenced Files

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Billing company.

    SACOMPANY  - Used to validate the Sales Analysis company.

    SHIPTO     - Used to validate the ship-to number.

INVOKED Programs
