Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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HR13.1 - Dependent

Use HR13.1 (Dependents) to maintain information regarding an employee's
dependents. The Lawson Benefits system uses employee dependent information to
 - track dependent coverage for health and welfare plans
 - define COBRA participants, and
 - define beneficiaries for savings bonds.

Updated Files

    DEPBEN     -

    EMDEPEND   - The primary file maintained by this program.

    PACOMMENTS - When you delete a dependent, comments associated with that
                 dependent are deleted

    PAEMPLOYEE - Contains the count of health and dental dependents.

Referenced Files

    DEPBEN     -

    EMPLOYEE   - Used to validate the employee.

    EMPVISA    -


    HRDEPBEN   - Used to validate dependent's benefits.

    HRSECLEV   - Used to validate the employee's security level for data items.


    PASCRTY    -

    PCODES     - Used to validate the relationship code.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

HR13.2 - Dependent Benefits

Use the Dependent Address subform to track the dependent's address and
telephone numbers.

If you select No in the Employee Address field in HR13.1 (Dependent), use
this window to define the dependent's address. If you change the value in the
Employee Address field from No to Home or Supplemental, the system clears the
dependent's address. Only the dependent's work telephone number remains.

If you select Home or Supplemental in the Employee Address field, the only
fields you can enter in this subform are the Work Telephone fields.

Updated Files

    HRDEPBEN   -

Referenced Files

    BENEFIT    -



    BNCOVOPT   -

    EMDEPEND   - The primary file updated by this program.

    PARTBEN    -

    PLAN       -

HR13.3 - Dependent Benefits

If you are a Lawson Benefits system user, use the Dependent Benefits subform
to define and track dependent benefits.  You can maintain dependent benefits
information in this subform, or in benefit entry programs.

If you chose to track dependent benefits by selecting Yes in the Covered
Dependents - Health, Dental, or Dependent Life fields in BN00.1 (Benefits
Company), when you access the Dependent Benefits subform, all benefit plans
for which dependents are eligible, based on coverage elected by the employee,
display. The benefit plans the dependent is currently enrolled in display
first, followed by all other plans according to plan code.

The system calculates the benefit start and stop dates based on the
dependent's date of birth and the student and dependent ages defined for the
benefit plan. You can maintain dependent benefits information in this subform,
or in benefit entry programs if you are a Lawson Benefits system user.

Updated Files

    HRDEPBEN   - Updated by this program.

Referenced Files

    BENEFIT    - Used to validate the benefit.

    BNCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Benefits company.

    BNCOVERAGE - Used to determine if coverage is for the employee, spouse, or
                 dependent. Also used to retrieve the dependent and student

    BNCOVOPT   - The Benefit Coverage Options file is accessed to retrieve
                 dependent information for a plan coverage type of "1."

    EMDEPEND   - Used to validate dependents.

    PARTBEN    - Used to validate COBRA participants and retirees.

    PLAN       - Used to validate the benefit plan.

HR13.4 - Dependent Benefits

Use the Dependent Benefits subform to track dependents covered under the
employee's benefit.

If you select Single in the Coverage field for health and dental plans, this
subform does not display.

This subform is accessed from BN31.1 (Speed Benefit Entry), BN31.3 (Employee
Benefit Entry), BN32.1 (Employee Benefit Changes), and BN32.2 (Employee
Benefit Detail Changes).

Updated Files

    HRDEPBEN   - Updated by this program.

Referenced Files

    BENEFIT    - Used to validate the benefit.

    BNCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Benefits company.

    BNCOVERAGE - The Benefit Coverage file is accessed to retrieve covered ages
                 for students and dependents.

    BNCOVOPT   - The Benefit Coverage Options file is accessed to retrieve
                 dependent information for a plan coverage type of "1."

    EMDEPEND   - Used to validate dependents.

    PARTBEN    - Used to validate COBRA participants and retirees.

    PLAN       - Used to validate the benefit plan.

INVOKED Programs
