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HR65.1 - HR Writer Title Creation

The "HR Writer" consists of all the screens of HR65. Use HR65.1 (HR Writer
Title Creation) to create inquiries or reports using employee and applicant
data from the Lawson Human Resources, Personnel, Payroll, Benefits, Time
Accrual, and Time and Attendance systems. The HR Writer consists of several
setup screens that progressively narrow the scope of the data reported. You
can define a report or inquiry in as little as two screens or as many as eight
screens, each having several options. This gives you control of the simplicity
or complexity of the report or inquiry. In addition to the setup done in this
program, the HR Writer includes several run-time options for data selection
and display in both HR70.1 (HR Writer Inquiry Request) and HR170 (HR Writer
Report Request).


The data available to the HR Writer is organized by topics within types. The
basic structure of a report or inquiry consists of Employee, History or
Applicant type master topic(s) and one detail topic.

A master topic consists of data items for which an employee or applicant has
only one value. This is generally data from HR11.1 (Employee) or PA31.1

A detail topic consists of a set of related data items (usually from the same
database file) for which an employee or applicant can have many values stored.

For example, E1 (Employee Master) is a master topic because an employee is
assigned only one process level, primary address, salary class, and so on,
while PD (Payment Deductions) is a detail topic because an employee has many
payments that include many deductions.

Refer to the Human Resources Procedures Manual for a detailed explanation of
each topic, including a list of included data items.

Updated Files

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to update the last title number.

    PWSELECT   - When you delete a title, the corresponding records in this
                 file are also deleted.

    PWTITLE    - The primary file maintained by this program.

    PWTITLETOP - Used to display fields from  the detail topic.

Referenced Files

    PADICT2    - Used to create log records.

    PWSELECT   - When you delete a title, the corresponding records in this
                 file are also deleted.

    PWTOPIC    - Used to validate the master topic.

HR65.2 - HR Writer Format Item Selection

Use HR65.2 (HR Writer Format Item Selection) to select the fields of data you
want to include in the report or inquiry.

Data items available for selection display in the Items To Select fields in
the bottom half of the screen. Initially, the data items that display are
based on the detail topic you select in HR65.1 (HR Writer Title Creation), or
the first topic under the type defined for the report or inquiry. To select
items from a different topic, select a different topic.

To select the desired items, select screen function Add or Change, then
select or type X next to the item(s) you want to select. You can select a
maximum of 15  data items from  different topics for each title. After you
select the items and press OK, the items display as Selected Items in the top
half of the screen.

HR65.2 is the last screen required to define a report; the remaining screens
are optional.

Use HR65.3 (HR Writer Format Item Order) to organize the appearance of the
report or inquiry, to reduce the length of a field, or to define summary

Use HR65.4 (HR Writer Print Order) to sort the data in an order other than
employee, or applicant.

Use HR65.5 (HR Writer Population Selection) and HR65.6 (HR Writer Population
Criteria) to define criteria that determines the population of employees or
applicants that display.

Use HR65.7 (HR Writer Detail Selection) and HR65.8 (HR Writer Detail
Criteria) if employee or applicant detail selection criteria are desired.

Use HR67.1 (HR Writer Compute Statement) to define compute statements to use
in HR Writer reports.

Updated Files

    PWSELECT   - When you delete a title, the corresponding records in this
                 file are also deleted.

    PWTITLE    - The primary file maintained by this program.

    PWTITLETOP - Updated by this program.

Referenced Files

    HRUSERFLDS - Used to display fields.

    PADICT     - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PADICT2    - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PASCRTY    -

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to validate the author.

    PWCOMPUTE  - Used to access user-defined compute statements.

    PWSELECT   - When you delete a title, the corresponding records in this
                 file are also deleted.

    PWTITLETOP - Updated by this program.

    PWTOPIC    - Used to display fields from the master topic.

HR65.3 - HR Writer Format Item Order

Use HR65.3 (HR Writer Format Item Order) to organize the appearance of the
report or inquiry, and to identify the numeric, non-date data items you want
to total.

The data items you select in HR65.2 (HR Writer Format Item Selection) display
in the lower half of the screen with column numbers that are based on the
order in which you selected them in HR65.2. To change the order in which they
display on the report, change the column numbers. To remove an item from the
report format, select screen function Change and clear the X next to the item
you want to remove. Each time you make a change, the format line and the list
of items display in the  new order.

In this screen you identify the numeric, non-date data items you want to
total. For example, rate of pay. In HR65.4 (HR Writer Print Order) you
identify the point at which you want the totals to print. For example, at the
department level.

The As of Date field lets you extract historical information based on the "as
of" date  rather than what is currently on the employee record (if different).
If the employment date of an employee is after the "as of" date, the employee
does not appear on the report.

HR70.1 (HR Writer Inquiry Request) displays 70 characters. If an inquiry
format line exceeds 70 characters, command buttons let you move the viewing
area right or left to view the entire inquiry.

HR170 (HR Writer Report Request) produces a report that prints up to 190
characters per line. Standard printers support 132 characters. Each report is
one line across the top of the page with two spaces between columns. Each data
item has a pre-determined size but you can reduce the width of a field to fit
more fields on the report.

Updated Files

    PWTITLE    - The primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    PADICT     - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to validate the author.

    PWCOMPUTE  - Used to access user-defined compute statements.

HR65.4 - HR Writer Print Order

Use HR65.4 (Print Order) to define a sort order and totaling options for the

You can choose to print a report in an order based on data items other than
those printed on the report. For example, you can choose to print the report
in process level or department order even if you do not select Process Level
or Department in HR65.2 (HR Writer Format Item Selection) as fields to appear
on the report.

In HR65.3 (HR Writer Format Item Order) you identify the numeric, non-date
data items you want to total.

In HR65.4 you indicate the  level at which you want the totals to print, for
example, process level, location, employee, and so on. If you do not indicate
a level at which to print the totals, no totals print on the report even
though you selected a total option for the data item in HR65.3.

Sort order applies to HR70.1 (HR Writer Inquiry Request) and HR170 (HR Writer
Report Request). Totaling options apply only to HR170.

Updated Files

    PWTITLE    - The primary file updated by this program.

Referenced Files

    HRUSERFLDS - Used to display fields.

    PADICT     - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PADICT2    - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PASCRTY    -

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to validate the author.

    PWTITLETOP - Used to validate the detail topic.

    PWTOPIC    - Used to validate the master topic.

HR65.5 - HR Writer Population Selection

Use HR65.5 (HR Writer Population Selection) to define a specific population
of employees or applicants that you want to include in the report or inquiry.
The items you select to define the population may be different than the data
items you choose to print on the report in HR65.2 (HR Writer Format Item
Selection) or those you choose for sorting in HR65.4 (HR Writer Print Order).

To define population, select data items from the list displayed on the bottom
half of the screen. The data items that display are based on the topic
selected in the Topic field. You can change the displayed items by selecting a
different topic. The topics available for selection are based on the report
type defined in HR65.1 (HR Writer Title Creation).

To run the same report for a different population of individuals, you can
override the company, and further define other selection criteria at run time
in HR70.1 (HR Writer Inquiry Request) and HR170 (HR Writer Report Request). If
you want to run a report for different combinations of parameters, you can
leave this screen blank and define parameters in HR70.1 or HR170 at run time.

After you select data items to define the population, use HR65.6 (HR Writer
Population Criteria) to define criteria for the selected items. For example,
if you select Rate of Pay as a population selection, use HR65.6 (HR Writer
Population Criteria) to define the rate of pay. This can be a specific rate or
a range of rates.

Updated Files

    PWSELECT   - Contains selection criteria.

    PWTITLE    - The primary file updated by this program.

Referenced Files

    HRUSERFLDS - Used to display fields.

    PADICT     - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PADICT2    - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PASCRTY    -

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to validate the author.

    PWSELECT   - Contains selection criteria.

    PWTITLETOP - Used to validate the detail topic.

    PWTOPIC    - Used to validate the master topic.

HR65.6 - HR Writer Population Criteria

Use HR65.6 (HR Writer Population Criteria) to define criteria for the data
items you select in HR65.5 (HR Writer Population Selection) to determine the
population included in the report or inquiry. The data items you select in
HR65.5 display on the top half of the screen. You can then define Include or
Exclude ranges and assign item groups to the items.

Item groups with the same number identify sets of selection criteria for
"and" conditions. That is, an individual must meet all the criteria for an
item group to be included in the report.

Item groups with different numbers identify sets of selection criteria for
"or" conditions. That is, an employee must meet all criteria in at least one
item group in order to be included in the report. Refer to the Human Resources
Procedures Manual for more information on item groups.

In HR70.1 (HR Writer Inquiry Request) and HR170 (HR Writer Report Request),
you can override the company or define additional criteria to further narrow
the population selection criteria.

You can use a wildcard ("*") for alpha fields. The wildcard must be entered
at the beginning of the field, and the end of the field must be left blank.
For example, you can enter AN* to search for job codes that start with AN. You
cannot enter *ING to search for job codes that end with ING.

Updated Files


    PWSELECT   - Contains selection criteria.

    PWTITLE    - The primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    PADICT     - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to validate the author.

HR65.7 - HR Writer Detail Selection

Use HR65.7 (HR Writer Detail Selection) to select the detail data items that
determine the detail data you want to include in the report. The detail topic
you defined for the report in HR65.1 (HR Writer Title Creation) determines the
detail data items that display for selection. Refer to the Human Resources
Procedures Manual for a complete list of data items by topic.

After you select the data items, use HR65.8 (HR Writer Detail Criteria) to
define values for the selected data items.

Updated Files

    PWSELECT   - The detail file updated by this screen.

    PWTITLE    - The primary file updated by this screen.

Referenced Files


    PADICT     - Used to retrieve data item information from the dictionary.

    PADICT2    - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PASCRTY    -

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to validate the author.

    PWSELECT   - The detail file updated by this screen.

HR65.8 - HR Writer Detail Criteria

Use HR65.8 (HR Writer Detail Criteria) to define values for the detail data
items you selected in HR65.7 (HR Writer Detail Selection). In other words, on
this screen, you determine which detail records to include in the report.

The data items you select in HR65.7 display on the top half of the screen. On
the bottom half of the screen, you enter include or exclude ranges and values,
and assign item groups to the items.

When selecting detail for your report, you may want to include only
information pertaining to certain dates. For example, to include only payments
within a quarter, you can enter values in the Date Range field or you can
enter Include in the Include/Exclude field and a date range in the Beginning
Value and Ending Value fields on this screen. Entering a date range in this
screen, in HR70.1 (HR Writer Inquiry), or HR170 (HR Writer Report Request)
rather than under the detail criteria makes the report generation more
efficient because the system does not have to read all records in the file to
pick out the records to include.

You can override the Date Range and Suppress Individual fields defined as
detail criteria, in HR70.1 (HR Writer Inquiry Request) and HR170 (HR Writer
Report Request) at run time.

Use the Item Group field to create "and" or "or" conditions. Item groups with
the same number are used to identify selection criteria as "and" conditions.
An individual must meet all criteria in the item group to be included in the

Use item groups with different numbers to identify selection criteria as "or"
conditions. That is, an individual must meet all the criteria in at least one
item group to be included on the report.

You can use a wildcard ("*") for alpha fields. The wildcard must be entered
at the beginning of the field, and the end of the field must be left blank.
For example, you can enter AN* to search for job codes that start with AN. You
cannot enter *ING to search for job codes that end with ING.

For an example of how the include/exclude function works, refer to the Lawson
Human Resources Procedures Manual.

Updated Files


    PWSELECT   - Contains selection criteria.

    PWTITLE    - The primary file updated by this program.

Referenced Files

    PADICT     - Used to get data item information from the dictionary.

    PWAUTHOR   - Used to validate the author.

INVOKED Programs
