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HR83.1 - Review Type

Use the Review Type window to define RT (Review Type) HR codes. Review Type
codes identify the type of review, for example, performance, 30-day, 6 month,
annual, and so on.

Assign review type codes to employees in PA26.1 (Review). Press Define in the
Review Type field to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.2 - Performance Rating

Use the Performance Rating window to define PR (Performance Rating) type HR
codes, for example, poor, average, above average, excellent, and so on.

Assign performance rating type HR codes to employees in PA26.1 (Review).
Press Define in the Rating field to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by the program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.3 - Applicant Rating

Use the Applicant Rating window to define AR (Applicant Rating) type HR
codes, for example, good, interested, excellent, not qualified, and so on.

Assign applicant rating codes to applicants in PA31.1 (Applicant). Press
Define from the Rating field to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.4 - Interview Rating

Use the Interview Rating window to define IR (Interview Rating) type HR codes
such as, poor, fair, good, excellent, and so on.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.5 - Personnel Action Reason

Use the Personnel Action Reason window to define RA (Personnel Action
Reasons) type HR codes.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.6 - Review Type

Use the Review Type window to define RT (Review Type) HR codes. Review type
codes identify types of reviews, for example, performance, 30-day, 6-month,
annual, and so on.

HR codes are defined for an entire system, they are not company specific.

Assign review type codes in PA26.1 (Review) in both the Review Type and Next
Review Type fields. To access this window, press define from either the Review
Type or Next Review Type field.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.7 - Work Schedule

Use the Work Schedule window to define WS (Work Schedule) type HR codes. Work
schedule type codes represent certain shifts, hours, or days that an applicant
wants to work.

Assign work schedule type HR codes to applicants in the Job Interest window
of PA31.1 (Applicant), or to job requisitions in PA42.1 (Job Requisition).
Press Define from the Work Schedule field in PA31.1 or PA42.1 to access this

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.8 - Requisition Status

Use HR83.8 (Requisition Status) to define Requisition Status (RQ) type HR
codes. Requisition status type codes indicate the status of a requisition, for
example, approved, filled, closed, and on hold. Choose the Mass Entry button
to define many requisition status codes at once.

Assign requisition status type codes to requisitions in PA42.1 (Job
Requisition). Press Define in the Status field in PA42.1 to access this

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR83.9 - Reason Code

Use the Reason Code window to define RS (Reason) type HR codes. You can use
reason codes to represent reasons for costs associated with a job requisition,
or reasons an applicant accepted or declined a job offer.

Assign reason codes in PA44.1 (Requisition Costs), and PA45.1 (Requisition
Offers). Press Define in the Reason field to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields.

    HRUSERFLDS - One of the primary files updated by this program.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - Used to determine if HR codes or user fields have been used as
                 selection criteria for employee groups.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.