Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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HR84.1 - Position Reason Code

Use the Position Reason Code window to define a position reason code. A
position reason code represents a reason for a change to a position code, such
as corporate reorganization, new supervisor, salary change, and so on.

Assign position reason codes in PA02.1 (Position). Press Define in the Reason
field to access this window.

Choose the Mass Entry button to define many position reason codes at once.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - This is the primary file updated by the program when HR Codes
                 are maintained.

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields. A code cannot be deleted if records exist.

    HRUSERFLDS - This file validates the code type.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - This file is accessed by a common routine.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR84.2 - Budget Reason Code

Use the Budget Reason Code window to define BD (Budget Reason) type HR codes,
for example, new position, growth, restructuring, and so on.

Assign budget reason type HR codes in PA70.1 (Position Budget) and PA71.1
(Job Budget). Press Define in the Reason field to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - This is the primary file updated by this program when you
                 maintain HR Codes.

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields. A code cannot be deleted if records exist.

    HRUSERFLDS - This file validates the code type.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - This file is accessed by a common routine.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are used by any
                 company. A code cannot by deleted if it is used by a company.

HR84.3 - Requisition Cost

Use the Applicant Rating window to define AR (Applicant Rating) type HR
codes, for example, good, interested, excellent, not qualified, and so on.

Assign applicant rating codes to applicants in PA31.1 (Applicant). Press
Define from the Rating field to access this window.

Updated Files


    PCODES     - The primary file updated by this program when you maintain HR

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   - Used to determine if values have been defined for HR codes or
                 user fields. A code cannot be deleted if records exist.

    HRUSERFLDS - This file validates the code type.


    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   - This file is accessed by a common routine.

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   - The System file determines if RA or RQ codes are being used by
                 any company. These codes cannot be deleted if they are being
                 used by a company.

HR84.4 - Supervisor User Field 1

User the Supervisor User Field 1 window to define S1 type HR codes.

Updated Files


    PCODES     -

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   -



    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   -

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR84.5 - Supervisor User Field 2

User the Supervisor User Field 2 window to define S2 type HR codes.

Updated Files


    PCODES     -

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   -



    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   -

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR84.6 - Supervisor User Field 3

User the Supervisor User Field 3 window to define S3 type HR codes.

Updated Files


    PCODES     -

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   -



    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   -

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR84.7 - Supervisor User Field 4

User the Supervisor User Field 4 window to define S4 type HR codes.

Updated Files


    PCODES     -

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   -



    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   -

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR84.8 - Supervisor User Field 5

User the Supervisor User Field 5 window to define S5 type HR codes.

Updated Files


    PCODES     -

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   -



    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   -

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

HR84.9 - Incident Status

Use the Incident Status to define IS (Incident Status) type HR codes.

Updated Files


    PCODES     -

Referenced Files

    EMPCODES   -

    HREMPUSF   -



    PAATTRIB   -

    PATHFIND   -

    PATRACK    -

    PRSYSTEM   -