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IC225 - Inventory Reorder Advice

Run this program to print the Inventory Reorder Advice report. This program
calculates reorder quantities for items that have an available quantity that
is less than the reorder point. This program applies to items assigned to the
fixed reorder policy (FOP) and set up with a reorder point defined in the
IC12.1 (Item Location) Reorder form. If reorder points are not set up, you can
run IC120 (EOQ and Reorder Calculation) to calculate reorder points based on
annual usage.

Available quantities are shown on this report as supply minus demand. The
available quantity is based on current stock-on-hand quantities minus
allocated, picked, and backorder quantities plus on-order and intransit

You can print the Inventory Reorder Advice by buyer code. By default, reorder
information is sorted by location. This report prints the item number, item
description, stock unit of measure, reorder point, reorder quantity, primary
vendor, stock-on-hand, supply minus demand (available quantity), leadtime, and
movement class.

You can run this report to print for a specific location, report group, buyer
code, major-minor purchasing class, and major and minor inventory class. You
can also include items that are set up as inactive in IC11.1 (Item Master).

You can print this report by primary vendor and update the PO Interface file
with reorder quantity records in IC140 (Vendor Reorder Advice). If reorder
information is updated to the PO Interface file, you can create purchase
orders in PO100 (PO Interface).

Note: The available quantity is based on the item's stock unit of measure. If
the buy unit of measure is different, this form converts the reorder quantity
to the stock unit of measure based on the conversion data defined in the
IC11.1 (Item Master) UOM form.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the existence of the company number.

    ITEMLOC    - Used to calculate the available quantity, and extract the
                 current reorder point and reorder quantity.

Referenced Files



    GLCODES    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    ICBIN      - Used to obtain bin number information.


    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the locations.

    ICRPTGRP   - Used to validate the report group.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to print the item description.

    ITEMSRC    -

    MAJORCL    - Used to validate the major class.

    MINORCL    - Used to validate the major-minor class.

INVOKED Programs
