Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC26.1 - Detail Transfers

Use this form to move quantities from one bin to another within a location
and/or convert stock-on-hand quantities from one tracking unit of measure to
another. When bin transfer transactions are processed, stock-on-hand
quantities are updated immediately. Bin transfer (BT) transactions print on
various transaction reports and display in transaction inquiry forms.

Bin transfer transactions are entered in this form by company and location.
This form assigns the document code BT, the system date/time, and line
numbers. These values are not displayed in this form. The same document code
(BT) is used each time you enter bin transfer transactions, only the date/time
values change. Line numbers are incremented from the last line number used.

When you enter bin transfer transactions, you are prompted to specify the item
number, transfer quantity, and the bin and/or unit of measure from where and
to where you are transferring. If an item is set up for lot tracking, this
form also enables you to specify lot and sublot values. If an item is set up
for serial number tracking use IC26.2. (Bin Transfer by Serial).

Updated Files

    ICLOCATION - Updated with the last bin transfer date.

    ICLOT      - Used in the stock-on-hand updating library.

    ICTRANS    - Primary file maintained by program.

    ICTRANSDTL - Created for auditing purposes.

    ITEMLOC    - Transaction count and quantity are updated for each transfer.

    ITSERIAL   - Updated based on the quantity transferred.

    SOHDETAIL  - Updated based on the quantity transferred.

Referenced Files

    GLCODES    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    ICBIN      - Used to validate the bins entered.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number.

    ICRECEIPTS - Used in the stock-on-hand updating library.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the items entered.

IC26.2 - Bin Transfer by Serial

Use this form to move serialized items from one bin to another within a
location. When bin transfer transactions are processed, stock-on-hand
quantities are updated immediately. Bin transfer (BT) transactions print on
various transaction reports and display in transaction inquiry forms.

Bin transfer transactions entered in this form by company, location, item
number, and the bin from which the serialized item is being transferred.
Unlike other transaction forms you do not enter a quantity value, instead you
must specify each serial number being transferred.

This form assigns the document code BT, the system date/time, and line
numbers. These values are not displayed in this form. The same document code
(BT) is used each time you enter bin transfer transactions, only the date/time
values change. Line numbers are incremented from the last line number used.

Updated Files

    ICLOCATION - Updated with the last bin transfer date.

    ICLOT      - Used in the stock-on-hand updating library.

    ICTRANS    - Detail file maintained by program.

    ICTRANSDTL - Created for tracking purposes.

    ITEMLOC    - Transaction count and unavailable quantity are updated.

    ITSERIAL   - The bin identifier is changed to reflect the To bin.

    SOHDETAIL  - Updated with the quantities transferred.

Referenced Files

    GLCODES    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    ICBIN      - Used to validate the bins entered.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number.

    ICRECEIPTS - Used in the stock-on-hand updating library.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the items entered.

INVOKED Programs
