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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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PR02.1 - Deduction Class

Use PR02.1 (Deduction Class) to define deduction classes. A deduction class
represents a group of deductions for reporting purposes in PR205 (Deduction
Listing) and PR275 (Deduction Report). You can use deduction classes to group
deductions to print as one total on payments or direct deposit receipts.

You can assign deduction classes to deductions in PR05.1 (Deduction).

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

    DCCLASS    - The primary file maintained by this program. You cannot delete
                 a deduction class if a deduction or garnishment is tied to it.

    DEDCODE    - Used to verify if the deduction is tied to a deduction class
                 because you cannot delete a deduction class if a deduction or
                 garnishment is tied to it. When you run PR140 (Earnings and
                 Deductions Calculation), the update flag is set so the Employee
                 Deduction file is updated.

Referenced Files

    EMDEDMASTR - Used to validate that an employee deduction exists for the
                 deduction class being changed.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to check for a system-defined deduction class which you
                 cannot delete.