Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


RQ02.1 - Approval Codes

Use this form to define approval codes for the company. Approval codes define
the management hierarchy used for approving a requisition. Each approval code
can have up to six levels of approval. The highest level is Level 1. Each
level of approval is assigned a Lower Limit, the lowest total value of a
requisition that would require this person's approval.

The levels are also assigned an authorization ID which allows the person
access to those requisitions requiring approval. The authorization ID must be
valid for the level of authority viewing the requisition. Approval codes are
assigned to every requester. A requisition must be approved by all the levels
within the approval code before the requisition can be picked or processed by
a buyer.

Note:  Lawson requires at least one approval code with at least one approval
level. You can bypass using the approval process by setting up one approval
code with a high lower limit (for example, 999,999).

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used in the event of a program or system failure to enable a
                 batch update program to continue from where it left off.

    RQAPPCODE  - Primary file maintained by program.

Referenced Files

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number.

    REQUESTER  - This is the file of valid requesters.