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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                            APDRFTDIST FILE

                     Bill of Exchange Distribution

The Bill of Exchange Distribution file contains distribution records
associated with a bill of exchange payment.


AP195     AP260


AP151     AP180     AP181     AP185     AP28.1    AP28.2
AP305     AP56.1    CB300


DDT-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP180
Company              The company associated with the bill of     AP181   AP28.1
                     exchange. Must be a valid record in the     AP28.2  AP56.1
                     Accounts Payable Company file.

DDT-BANK-INST-CODE   Alpha 3                                     AP151   AP180
Payment Code         The payment code assigned to the bill       AP181   AP28.1
                     of exchange. Represents the type of bill    AP28.2  AP56.1
                     of exchange payment. Must be a valid
                     bill of exchange payment transaction
                     code in the Bank Transaction Code file.

DDT-TRANS-IDENT      Numeric 10                                  AP151   AP180
Transaction ID       A unique system-generated                   AP181   AP28.1
                     identification value assigned to the        AP28.2  AP56.1
                     transaction to make the record unique.

DDT-SEQ-NBR          Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP180
Sequence Number      A unique sequence number assigned to        AP181   AP28.1
                     the distribution record.                    AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-PAY-GROUP        Alpha 4                                     AP151   AP180
Pay Group            The pay group associated with the bill      AP181   AP28.1
                     of exchange. A pay group is used for        AP28.2  AP56.1
                     processing accounts payable payments.
                     Must be a valid record in the Pay Group

DDT-DIST-TYPE        Alpha 1                                     AP151   AP180
Distribution Type    The distribution type. Valid values are:    AP181   AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP56.1
                     D = Distribution.
                     I = Intercompany Distribution.
                     G = Gain/Loss Distribution.
                     A = Accepted
                     C = Cashed
                     X = Canceled
                     R = Tax Reversal

DDT-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AP151   AP180
Vendor ID            The payment vendor number. Must be a        AP181   AP28.1
                     valid record in the Vendor file.            AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-TRANS-NBR        Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 AP151   AP180
Bill of Exchange     The bill of exchange number.                AP181   AP28.1
Number                                                           AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-SUFFIX           Numeric 3                                   AP151   AP180
Bill of Exchange     The bill of exchange suffix number.         AP181   AP28.1
Suffix                                                           AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-REC-STATUS       Numeric 1                                   AP151   AP180
Bill of Exchange     The status of the bill of exchange          AP181   AP185
Status               distribution. Valid values are:             AP28.1  AP28.2
                     1 = Unposted.
                     9 = Posted.

DDT-INV-VENDOR       Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AP151   AP180
Invoice Vendor       The invoiced vendor number. Must be a       AP181   AP28.1
                     valid record in the Vendor file.            AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-INVOICE          Alpha 22                                    AP151   AP180
Invoice Number       The invoice number applied to the bill      AP181   AP28.1
                     of exchange payment. Must be a valid        AP28.2  AP56.1
                     record in the Accounts Payable Invoice

DDT-INV-SUFFIX       Numeric 3                                   AP151   AP180
Invoice Suffix       The invoice suffix number applied to        AP181   AP28.1
                     the bill of exchange payment.               AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-INV-CANCEL-SEQ   Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP180
Invoice Cancel       The sequence number assigned upon the       AP181   AP28.1
Sequence             cancellation of a distributed bill of       AP28.2  AP56.1
                     exchange payment. The first sequence
                     assigned is 9999.

DDT-INV-SEQ-NBR      Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP28.1
Invoice Sequence     The sequence number assigned to a bill      AP28.2  AP56.1
                     of exchange payment application.

DDT-INV-VOID-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP28.1
Invoice Void         The sequence number assigned upon the       AP28.2  AP56.1
Sequence             voiding of a distributed bill of
                     exchange payment.

DDT-TRAN-DIST-AMT    Signed 15.2                                 AP151   AP180
Distribution Amount  The amount of the bill of exchange          AP181   AP28.1
                     distribution in the currency of the bill    AP28.2  AP56.1
                     of exchange.

DDT-BASE-DIST-AMT    Signed 15.2                                 AP151   AP180
Base Currency        The amount of the bill of exchange          AP181   AP28.1
Distribution Amt     distribution in the company base            AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-TO-BASE-AMT      Signed 15.2                                 AP151   AP180
To Cpy Base          The amount of the bill of exchange          AP181   AP28.1
Distribution Amt     distribution in the distribution company    AP28.2  AP56.1
                     base currency.

DDT-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   AP151   AP180
Transaction Number   The number of decimal positions defined     AP181   AP28.1
of Decimals          for the bill of exchange currency.          AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   AP151   AP180
Base Currency Nbr    The number of decimals defined for the      AP181   AP28.1
of Decimals          company base currency.                      AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     AP151   AP180
Bill of Exchange     The bill of exchange currency. Must be      AP181   AP28.1
Currency             a valid record in the Currency Code         AP28.2  AP56.1

DDT-ACCR-CODE        Alpha 4                                     AP151   AP180
Invoice Accrual Code The invoice accrual code associated         AP181   AP28.1
                     with the bill of exchange payment           AP28.2  AP56.1
                     distribution. Used to default a general
                     ledger accrual account to an invoice.
                     Must be a valid record in the Invoice
                     Accrual Code file.

DDT-ORIG-COMPANY     Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP180
Originating Company  The company associated with the bill of     AP181   AP28.1
                     exchange. Must be a valid record in the     AP28.2  AP56.1
                     Accounts Payable Company file.

DDT-DIST-COMPANY     Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP180
Distribution Company The company used for posting the bill       AP181   AP28.1
                     of exchange distribution. Must be a         AP28.2  AP56.1
                     valid record in the General Ledger
                     Company file and a valid relationship
                     must exist in the Intercompany
                     Relationship file.

DDT-DST-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    AP151   AP180
Distribution         The general ledger distribution             AP181   AP28.1
Accounting Unit      accounting unit assigned to the bill of     AP28.2  AP56.1
                     exchange distribution. Must be a valid
                     accounting unit in the Lawson General
                     Ledger system.

DDT-DST-ACCOUNT      Numeric 6                                   AP151   AP180
Distribution         The general ledger distribution account     AP181   AP28.1
Account Number       number assigned to the bill of exchange     AP28.2  AP56.1
                     distribution. Must be a valid account in
                     the Lawson General Ledger system.

DDT-DST-SUB-ACCT     Numeric 4                                   AP151   AP180
Distribution         The general ledger distribution             AP181   AP28.1
Subaccount Number    subaccount number assigned to the bill      AP28.2  AP56.1
                     of exchange distribution. Must be a
                     valid subaccount in the Lawson General
                     Ledger system.

DDT-DRAFT-CODE       Alpha 4                                     AP151   AP180
Bill of Exchange     The bill of exchange accrual code           AP181   AP28.1
Accrual Code         associated with the bill of exchange        AP28.2  AP56.1
                     payment. Used to default an acceptance
                     account to the bill of exchange. Must be
                     a valid record in the Bill of Exchange
                     Accrual Code file.

DDT-POST-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP151   AP180
Post Date            The date used for posting the cashed or     AP181   AP28.1
                     dishonored bill of exchange payment         AP28.2  AP56.1
                     distribution to the general ledger.

DDT-GLT-OBJ-ID       Numeric 12                                  AP185
Subsystem GL         This is a subsystem GL interface
Interface ID         identification number. It is used for
                     Drill Around purposes.

DDT-JRNL-BOOK-NBR    Alpha 12                                    AP151   AP180
Journal Book         The journal book assigned to the            AP181   AP28.1
                     transaction.                                AP28.2  AP56.1

                         APDRFTDIST FILE INDEX


DDTSET1   BANK-INST-CODEThis index is used to group all general  AP151   AP180
          TRANS-IDENT   ledger distributions for a specific bill AP181   AP185
          SEQ-NBR       of exchange payment.                     AP195   AP260
                                                                 AP28.1  AP28.2
                                                                 AP305   AP56.1

DDTSET2   DIST-COMPANY  This index is used to sort all bill of
          DST-ACCT-UNIT exchange payment records by general
          DST-ACCOUNT   ledger account number.
          DST-SUB-ACCT  KeyChange

                         APDRFTDIST FILE RELATIONS



Apapphist      APAPPHIST    Not Required
                            Valid When DDT-INVOICE != Spaces

                            DDT-DIST-COMPANY      -> AH3-COMPANY
                            DDT-INV-VENDOR        -> AH3-VENDOR
                            DDT-INVOICE           -> AH3-INVOICE
                            DDT-INV-SUFFIX        -> AH3-SUFFIX
                            DDT-INV-CANCEL-SEQ    -> AH3-CANCEL-SEQ
                            DDT-INV-SEQ-NBR       -> AH3-SEQ-NBR
                            DDT-INV-VOID-SEQ      -> AH3-VOID-SEQ

Apcompanydist  APCOMPANY    Required

                            DDT-DIST-COMPANY      -> CPY-COMPANY

Apcompanyorig  APCOMPANY    Required

                            DDT-ORIG-COMPANY      -> CPY-COMPANY

Apdrafts       APDRAFTS     Required

                            DDT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> APT-BANK-INST-CODE
                            DDT-TRANS-IDENT       -> APT-TRANS-IDENT

Appayment      APPAYMENT    Not Required
                            Valid When DDT-INVOICE != Spaces

                            DDT-DIST-COMPANY      -> APP-COMPANY
                            DDT-INV-VENDOR        -> APP-VENDOR
                            DDT-INVOICE           -> APP-INVOICE
                            DDT-INV-SUFFIX        -> APP-SUFFIX
                            DDT-INV-CANCEL-SEQ    -> APP-CANCEL-SEQ
                            DDT-INV-SEQ-NBR       -> APP-SEQ-NBR
                            DDT-INV-VOID-SEQ      -> APP-VOID-SEQ

Apvenmast      APVENMAST    Not Required

                            CPY-VENDOR-GROUP      -> VEN-VENDOR-GROUP
                            DDT-VENDOR            -> VEN-VENDOR

Glmaster       GLMASTER     Required

                            DDT-DIST-COMPANY      -> GLM-COMPANY
                            DDT-DST-ACCT-UNIT     -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            DDT-DST-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            DDT-DST-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glsystem Orig  GLSYSTEM     Required

                            DDT-ORIG-COMPANY      -> GLS-COMPANY

Glsystem To    GLSYSTEM     Required

                            DDT-DIST-COMPANY      -> GLS-COMPANY