Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AP260 - Invoice Accrual Reconciliation

Run AP260 (Invoice Accrual Reconciliation) to list invoice transactions that
make up your invoice accrual account balance as of the date you specify. The
report shows the difference between what has been paid and updated through
AP170 (Payment Closing) or AP180 (Bill of Exchange Cashing Update), and what
has been expensed through AP175 (Invoice Distribution Closing) for each
invoice accrual account. The report includes the amount paid, amount
distributed, and the difference for each invoice listed. The difference should
equal the general ledger invoice accrual account balance as long as no
adjustments have been made to the invoice accrual account through the Lawson
Software General Ledger system and no transactions have been interfaced to the
general ledger from other subsystems for the invoice accrual account
specified. This program lists transactions in the Lawson Accounts Payable
system only.

Updated Files


    APINVOICE  - Primary file for report detail.

    APRECON    -

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code.



    APCOMPANY  - Validates company.


    APDISTRIB  - Accesses invoice distributions.

    APDRAFTS   - Used to derive the bill of exchange distribution records.

    APDRFTDIST - Accesses bill of exchange distribution records.



    APPAYMENT  - Accesses split invoice payment information.

    APVENMAST  - Defaults vendor master information.

    GLADDRESS  - Accessed by general ledger common routine.

    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Accessed by general ledger common routine.


INVOKED Programs
