Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR80.1 - Payment Application Reversal

**Form Purpose
Use Payment Application Reversal (AR80.1) to mark applications for reversal
after they have been posted to the general ledger. You can reverse posted
applications for open item processing customers only.

Updated Files

    AROPTR     - Updates used flag.

    REVERSE    - Updates reversal header file for adds, changes, and deletes.

    REVERSEDTL - Updates reversal detail file for adds, changes, and deletes.

Referenced Files

    ARADJUST   - Access for adjustment information.

    ARAPPLIED  - Access for applied information.

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Validates customer group.

    ARCUSTOMER - Validates customer.

    AROIHDR    - Used to validate open item header record.

    AROITEMS   - Access for invoice and debit memo information.

    ARPAYMENT  - Validates payment.

    ARRTM      - Verifies if a return to maker header record exists.

    CUSTDESC   - Validates customer description.

    GLCODES    - Verifies if general ledger date is within a valid date range.

    GLINTCO    - Verifies intercompany relationship.

AR80.2 - Transaction Application Reversal

**Form Purpose
Use Transaction Application Reversal (AR80.2) to reverse invoices, debit
memos, and credit memos after posting. You can reverse posted transactions for
open item processing customers only.

Updated Files

    AROPTR     - Updates used flag.

    REVERSE    - Updates reversal header file for adds, changes, and deletes.

    REVERSEDTL - Update reversal detail file for adds, changes, and deletes.

Referenced Files

    ARADJUST   - Access for adjustment information.

    ARAPPLIED  - Access for applied information.

    ARCOMP     - Validates Accounts Receivable company file.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used to validate customer group.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate customer.

    ARDRAFTS   - Validates bill of exchange information.

    AROIHDR    - Used to validate open item header record.

    AROITEMS   - Used to validate invoice, credit memo, or debit memo.

    ARPAYMENT  - Validates payment.

    CUSTDESC   - Validates customer description record.

    GLCODES    - Verifies if general ledger date is within a valid date range.

    GLINTCO    - Used to validate intercompany general ledger relationships.