Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


TR03.1 - Course Certifications and Competencies

**Form Purpose
Use Course Certifications and Competencies (TR03.1) to define the
competencies an employee acquires after completing a course.

**Processing Effect
After the employee successfully completes a course, the system updates PA21.1
(Competencies) with the attributes listed on this form. If a competency is
required for group membership, group membership also updates.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - The Checkpoint file is the environment file used for recovery.

    PAATTRIB   - The Attributes file is the primary file maintained by this
                 program. The file is used to store skill and certification

Referenced Files

    PACOURSE   - The Courses file is accessed to verify the course and to
                 retrieve course information.

    PAMODOPT   - The Training Options file contains the skill source that
                 defaults on the Skill Source field.

    PATRACK    -


    PCODES     - The Human Resources Codes file is accessed to verify the
                 skill, skill source, and proficiency.