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                            CXDIAGNOST FILE

                         Case Cart Diagnostics

The Case Cart Diagnostic file primarily stores all valid diagnostic codes.
Before anyone can use the codes on preference templates or cases, the codes
must be in this file.

Before you set up this file, you must decide what diagnostic types you want
to define. The diagnostic type is the first of two fields used to uniquely
identify a diagnosis. The diagnostic type is used to identify different coding
systems such as HCPCS (HCFA's (Health Care Financing Administration's) Common
Procedure Coding System), CPT-4 (Current Procedural Terminology, 1994), ICD-9
(International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision), and a code for your
organization's own coding system.

Use CX03.1 (Diagnostics) to add, delete, or change records in this file.

The Case Carts system uses diagnostic codes to assign and validate diagnostic
codes on preference templates and cases. In addition, form CX235 (Procedure
Cost Vs DRG) uses the codes for reimbursement calculations. The Case Carts
system uses the diagnostic code descriptions in all reporting and all
applicable forms.


CXCP.1    WH130     WH132     WH190     WH222     WH30.1
WH30.2    WH30.3    WH30.4    WH31.1    WH31.2    WH31.3
WH31.4    WH32.1    WH32.2    WH32.3    WH32.4    WH33.5
WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4    WH40.1    WH40.2
WH520     WH830


CDI-DIAG-TYPE          Alpha 8
Element: Diag Type     The diagnostic type is the first of two
                       fields used to uniquely identify a
                       diagnosis. The diagnostic type is used
                       to identify different coding systems
                       such as HCPCS (HCFA's (Health Care
                       Financing Administration's) Common
                       Procedure Coding System), CPT-4 (Current
                       Procedural Terminology, 1994), ICD-9
                       (International Classification of
                       Diseases, 9th Revision), and a code for
                       your organization's own coding system.

CDI-DIAG-CODE          Alpha 6
Element: Diag Code     The diagnostic code is the second of
                       two fields that uniquely identify a
                       diagnosis. The diagnostic code is an
                       identifier for a specific diagnosis
                       within a diagnostic type. Diagnostic
                       codes can come from many sources such as
                       HCPCS (HCFA's (Health Care Financing
                       Administration's) Common Procedure
                       Coding System), CPT-4 (Current
                       Procedural Terminology, 1994), ICD-9
                       (International Classification of
                       Diseases, 9th Revision), and a code for
                       your organization's own coding system.

CDI-DIAG-DESC          Alpha 250  (Lower Case)
Element: Diag Desc     This field contains the description of
                       the diagnosis.

Element: Relative WghtsThis field contains the relative
                       weight. Relative weight is a multiplier
                       used to calculate the reimbursement for
                       treating a diagnosis. The higher the
                       relative weight, the greater the payment
                       to the hospital.

CDI-GEOMETRIC-LOS      Signed 5.2
Element: Arithmetic LosThis field contains the geometric mean
                       length of stay (GMLOS), when applicable.
                       The GMLOS is a measure for the central
                       tendency of nationally reported lengths
                       of stay for a specific
                       diagnostic-related group. A company
                       compares its length of stay results with
                       this value for monitoring purposes.

Element: Arithmetic LosThis value is the arithmetic mean
                       length of stay (AMLOS). AMLOS is the
                       average number of days patients assigned
                       a given diagnostic code stay in the
                       hospital  (also referred to as the
                       average length of stay). Practitioners
                       can try to get the lowest patient length
                       of stay (LOS), using the AMLOS as a

CDI-OUTLIER            Numeric 2
Element: Outlier       This value is the length of stay that
                       triggers a reimbursement exception.
                       The Health Care Financing
                       Administration (HCFA) or another insurer
                       provides this value.

CDI-STATUS             Numeric 1
Element: Status        This value is the transaction status.
                       0 = Active
                       1 = Inactive

CDI-DIAG-DESC50        Derived
Element: Diag Desc50   This field contains the Diagnostic

                         CXDIAGNOST FILE INDEX


CDISET1   DIAG-TYPE     This index is used to access the Case    CXCP.1  WH130
          DIAG-CODE     Cart Diagnostics file records in         WH132   WH190
                        Diagnostic Type followed by Diagnostic   WH222   WH30.1
                        Code order.                              WH30.2  WH30.3
                                                                 WH30.4  WH31.1
                                                                 WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4
                                                                 WH40.1  WH40.2
                                                                 WH520   WH830