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WH190 - Shipment Release

**Form Purpose
Run Shipment Release (WH190) to release a shipment after entering shipping
feedback. Shipments are created when you run WH130 (Pick List Print) to print
the pick list. The program lists shipment and document numbers, requested and
shipped dates, and document lines.

Stock-on-hand quantities are reduced as a result of running this program.

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   - Used in the Activity Management edit routines.

    ACCOMMITX  - Used in the Activity Management edit routines.

    CKPOINT    - Used for batch recovery.

    COCOMP     - Used to store component information when the demand line is
                 for a make-to-order kit item.

    COLINE     - Used to verify customer order line information.

    CUSTEP     -

    CUSTORDER  - Used to verify customer order information.

    CXCASEHEAD - Used to indicate whether items have been processed.

    CXCASEPREF - Used to validate the Case Carts case status.

    CXCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Case Carts company.


    CXITEMHIST - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFDIAG - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFITEM - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFJOBS - Not used in this program.

    GLCOMMIT   -


    HCPATCHRG  - Not used in this program.

    HCPATVISIT - Not used in this program.

    HOLDCODES  - Used to validate the hold codes.

    ICACTIVITY - Used in the Inventory Control edit routines.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.

    ICHISTORY  - Used to store item sales history for inventory tracked items.
                 This file is updated when the shipment is released.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the Inventory Control location.

    ICLOT      - Used to obtain lot information.

    ICRECEIPTS - Used in the Inventory Control edit routines.

    ICTRANS    - Used to store transaction history for stock-on-hand quantity
                 updates of inventory tracked items.  This file is updated when
                 the shipment is released.

    ICTRANSDTL - Used to store detail transaction history for stock-on-hand
                 quantity updates of inventory tracked items.  Detail includes
                 bins, lots, serials, and multiple units of measure.  This file
                 is updated when a shipment is released.



    INSTNBR    -

    ITEMLOC    - Used to verify the Inventory Control item location.  Also used
                 to store available, allocated, in process quantities for an
                 item location combination.

    ITSERIAL   - Used to obtain serial information.

    MMDIST     - Contains general ledger account postings for inventory

    MMUAVAL    -

    MSDSACK    -

    POCODE     -

    POINTAOC   -

    POINTERFAC - Used to store Purchase Order interface information.


    REQHEADER  - Used to verify requisition information.

    REQLINE    - Used to verify requisition line information.

    ROUTEDOC   - Used to obtain route information for the demand line.

    ROUTEHDR   - Used to obtain route header information for the demand line.

    ROUTESTOP  - Used to obtain route stop information for the demand line.

    RQTRANS    -


    SOHDETAIL  - Used to store stock-on-hand quantities for bin, lot, serial
                 number, and multiple unit of measure detail-tracked items.

    TXCODEMAST - Used to validate the tax code.

    TXCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Tax company.

    TXTAXCODE  - Used to validate the tax code.

    TXTAXTABLE - Used to validate the tax table.

    WHDEMAND   - Used to store customer order and requisitions quantities
                 ordered by item and location and expected ship date.  Contains
                 quantities to be allocated or backordered.

    WHDEMNDDTL - Contains detail information about bins, lots, serials and
                 multiple units of measure for the demand lines.

    WHDEMNDHDR - Contains header information for the demand line.



    WHSHIPCOMP - Used to store the make-to-order kit components to be shipped
                 for this shipment line.

    WHSHIPLINE - Used to store shipment line information including feedback

    WHSHIPMENT - Used to store shipment header information.

    WHSHLAUD   - Used to audit feedback changes to the shipment line.  This is
                 only used when "full" feedback is not performed for a shipment

    WHSHLDTL   - Used to store shipment line detail quantities for bin, lot,
                 serial and multiple unit of measure detail tracked items.



    WHWHLUF    -

    WHWHSUF    -

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - Used in the Activity Management edit routines.

    ACACTGRP   - Used in the Activity Management edit routines.

    ACACTIVITY - Used to validate the Activity Management activity

    AGINGCODE  - Used in the Customer Edit routine.

    AMASSET    - Used to edit Procurement Management distribution edit routine
                 to edit asset codes.

    AMTEMPLATE - Used in the Asset Management asset edit routine.

    APACCRCODE - Used in the Vendor Edit routine.

    APCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company.

    APVENGROUP - Used in the Vendor Edit routine.

    ARCOMP     - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable company.

    ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable customer.

    ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARPAYMENT  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.


    COMPONENT  - Used to obtain Inventory Control definition of the components
                 for a make-to-order kit item.

    CUCONV     - Used for currency editing in the Customer Order edit

    CURELAT    -

    CUSTDESC   - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    CXBURDEN   - Not used in this program.


    CXDIAGNOST - Not used in this program.

    CXPRACPROC - Not used in this program.

    CXPRACTNR  - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFTEMP - Not used in this program.

    CXPTMPDIAG - Not used in this program.

    CXPTMPITEM - Not used in this program.

    CXTMPJOBS  - Not used in this program.

    EPTRANS    -

    FOBCODE    -

    GLADDRESS  - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLCHART    - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLCODES    - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLINTCO    - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLNAMES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    HCCHRGITEM - Not used in this program.

    HCPATIENT  - Not used in this program.

    ICBIN      - Used to obtain Inventory Control bin information.

    ICCATEGORY - Used to validate Inventory Control general ledger categories.

    ICCOUT     -






    INSTNOTC   -


    INSTREGN   -

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the Inventory Control item.

    ITEMUPC    -

    KITITEM    - Used to validate kit items.


    NATACCT    - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    NATBALANCE - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Order Entry company.

    OECUST     - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    OEFRTCODE  - Used to validate freight codes.

    OEMETHOD   -

    OEROUTE    - Used to validate the route for the demand line.

    ORDERTYPE  - Used in the customer order edit routine.


    POCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Purchase Order company.

    POLINE     - Used in the Purchase Order revision routine.




    POVENDOR   -



    PURCHORDER - Used in the Purchase Order revision routine.

    REASON     - Used to validate the reason code.

    RQLOC      - Used in the Requisitions edit routine.

    SHIPTO     - Used to verify the customer ship to.

    STATICCUST - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.


    TXTAXRATE  - Used to validate the tax rate.

    WFSETUP    -

    WHDEMNDDTL - Contains detail information about bins, lots, serials and
                 multiple units of measure for the demand lines.

    WHPROCTYPE - Used to validate the process type.

INVOKED Programs
