Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AC06.1 - Override Account Categories

**Form Purpose
Use Override Account Categories (AC06.1) to assign specific account
categories defined in AC05.1 (Account Categories) to a posting activity. The
assignments you create on this form override the activity group/account
category structure relationship set up on AC00.1 (Activity Group). Account
category overrides allow the structure level account category parameters to be
overridden for an individual posting activity.

Once you run posting using this assignment, you cannot delete an account
category when it is assigned using this form.

**More Information
Overrides can be created only for account categories within the category
structure assigned to the activity group, and can be deleted at any time.

Use Mass Add to select multiple account categories to assign to an activity.

Updated Files

    ACACCTCATX - This is the primary file maintained by this program. Maintains
                 valid account categories assigned to activity groups or

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - References this file to validate the account category.

    ACACTGRP   - References this file to validate the activity group.

    ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity.

    ACAMCODE   - If you delete an account category which is assigned to an
                 activity asset record, the program will delete the activity
                 asset record as well.


AC06.2 - Override Mass Add/Change

**Form Purpose
Use Override Mass Addition (AC06.2) to select multiple account categories to
assign to a posting activity on AC06.1 (Override Account Categories). This
form allows you to load a range of account categories and specify the
parameters to apply to all account categories in the range. The load function
will not affect any account categories previously assigned to an activity.

Updated Files

    ACACCTCATX - References this file on a Delete action. You cannot delete an
                 account category class if it is assigned to an account category
                 assignment record.

Referenced Files


    ACACTGRP   -