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BN237 - Vesting Report

**Form Purpose
Run Vesting Report (BN237) to print a report of each participant's vested
percent in defined benefit and defined contribution benefits.

The report shows the employee, date of birth, vesting from date, plan entry
date, hours worked in the current year, number of years vested, and percent
vested. The report calculates vesting based on the system date the report is

**Processing Effect
The report uses the vesting parameters from the Vesting Compensation form tab
of BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) and the vesting hours from BN57.1 (Vesting Hours).
For information on how the Benefits application calculates vesting, see the
online form text for BN57.1.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

                 The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file contains employee data.

    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this report.

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee PA Information file contains employee data.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file is used to verify plan codes.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file contains company
                 parameter data.

    VESTHOURS  - The Employee Vesting Hours file contains employee vesting

    VESTSCHDDT - The Benefit Plan Vesting Schedule file contains vesting
                 schedule detail.