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                            SAINVCLINE FILE

                            SA Invoice Line

The Sales Analysis Invoice Line file stores historic information for invoice


SA252     SA253     SA254     SA255     SA256     SALD.1
SA250     SA258     SA251


SA100     SA101     SA110     SA300


SIL-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the          SA300
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

SIL-INVC-PREFIX        Alpha 2                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Invoice PrefixContains the invoice prefix that is       SA300
                       assigned from either the company or
                       process level, depending on the
                       invoice-level option chosen.

SIL-INVC-NUMBER        Numeric 8                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Invc Number   Contains the invoice number assigned by   SA300
                       the system.  Invoice numbers are
                       assigned at the company or process
                       level, depending on an invoice-level
                       option on the company file.

SIL-LINE-NBR           Numeric 6                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Line Number   Contains the line number.                 SA300

SIL-PROCESS-LEVEL      Alpha 5                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Process Level This field contains the process level,    SA300
                       which is the reporting hierarchy below

SIL-TERRITORY          Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Sales TerritorTerritory this sale was for.              SA300

SIL-SALESMAN           Numeric 4                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Salesman NumbePrimary sales representative for this     SA300
                       invoice line.

SIL-SALESMAN-2         Numeric 4                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Salesman NumbeSecondary sales representative (if any)   SA300
                       for this invoice line.

SIL-COMM-RATE-1        Percent 7.5  (Percent)                    SA100   SA110
Element: Chrg Rate     Commission rate for sales                 SA300
                       representative 1.

SIL-COMM-RATE-2        Percent 7.5  (Percent)                    SA100   SA110
Element: Chrg Rate     Commission rate for the second sales      SA300

SIL-COMM-SPLIT         Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    SA100   SA110
Commission Split       Commission split for the second sales     SA300
Percentage             representative.

SIL-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                SA100   SA110
Element: Customer NumbeContains the number that represents a     SA300

SIL-SHIP-TO            Numeric 4                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Ship-to Code  Customer's ship-to number for this        SA300
                       invoice line.

SIL-REASON-CODE        Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Reason Code   This field contains the reason code,      SA300
                       which indicates the cause for credit

SIL-SHIP-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     SA100   SA110
Element: Date          Actual date that inventory was shipped    SA300

SIL-SALES-MAJCL        Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Major Class   Major sales class for this invoice line.  SA300

SIL-SALES-MINCL        Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Minor Class   Minor sales class for this invoice line.  SA300

SIL-ITEM               Alpha 32                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Item Number   Contains the item identifier.             SA300

SIL-ITEM-DESC          Alpha 30                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Item DescriptiContains the item description.            SA300

SIL-LINE-TYPE          Alpha 1                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Line Type     Line type.  Indicates whether this is a   SA300
                       stock, non-stock, or special order line.

SIL-INV-LOCATION       Alpha 5                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Location Code Ship-from inventory location.             SA300

SIL-QUANTITY           Signed 13.4                               SA100   SA110
Element: Quantity      Quantity sold.                            SA300

SIL-QTY-TRACK-FL       Alpha 1                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Qty Track Fl  Flag to indicate whether the quantity     SA300
                       for this line is to be summarized. Only
                       invoices that are system generated will
                       have their quantity summarized.
                       S = System generated invoice

SIL-SELL-UOM           Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Unit of MeasurSelling unit of measure.                  SA300

SIL-SELL-UNIT-PRC      Signed 18.5                               SA100   SA110
Element: Sell Unit Prc Unit price in selling unit of measure.    SA300

SIL-SPR-UOM            Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Unit of MeasurPricing unit of measure.                  SA300

SIL-SELL-TO-STOCK      Signed 13.7                               SA100   SA110
Element: Sell To Stock Conversion factor from selling to stock   SA300
                       unit of measure.

SIL-SPR-TO-STOCK       Signed 13.7                               SA100   SA110
Element: Sell To Stock Conversion factor from pricing to stock   SA300
                       unit of measure.

SIL-UNIT-COST          Signed 18.2                               SA100   SA110
Element: Intl Amt      Unit cost for this invoice line.          SA300

SIL-CATCH-WT-QTY       Signed 13.4                               SA100   SA110
Element: Quantity      Contains the quantity shipped for         SA300
                       catch weight items.

SIL-DISC-AMT           Signed 18.2                               SA100   SA110
Element: Intl Amt      Calculated discount amount for this       SA300
                       invoice line.

SIL-ADDL-DISCOUNT      Signed 18.2                               SA100   SA110
Element: Intl Amt      Additional discount amount entered for    SA300
                       this invoice line.

SIL-CONTRACT-NBR       Alpha 14                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Contract NumbeIf this invoice line was priced via a     SA300
                       contract, this is the contract number.

SIL-PROMOTION          Alpha 10                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Promotion     If this invoice line was priced via a     SA300
                       promotion, this is the promotion number.

SIL-ACTIVITY           Alpha 15                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Activity      Used for Revenue (Sales) postings         SA300
                       whereas the Activity-C field is used for
                       Cost (COGS) postings.

                       Activities are the processes or
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity. Activities and
                       cost object activities are used
                       synonymously in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. Direct costs are
                       posted to activities, and indirect costs
                       are allocated to activities based on
                       activity drivers.

                       Activities are grouped or organized by
                       activity levels. There are two types of
                       activities: "posting allowed" and
                       "summary only." Use posting level
                       activities to budget and maintain all
                       posted transactions. Summary activities
                       or macro activities combine information
                       and balances from lower level activities
                       for reporting and inquiries.

SIL-ACCT-CATEGORY      Alpha 5                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Account CategoUsed for Revenue (Sales) postings         SA300
                       whereas the Acct-Categ-C field is used
                       for Cost (COGS) postings.

                       Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

SIL-ACTIVITY-C         Alpha 15                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Activity      Used for Cost (COGS) postings whereas     SA300
                       the Activity field is used for Revenue
                       (Sales) postings.

                       Activities are the processes or
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity. Activities and
                       cost object activities are used
                       synonymously in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. Direct costs are
                       posted to activities, and indirect costs
                       are allocated to activities based on
                       activity drivers.

                       Activities are grouped or organized by
                       activity levels. There are two types of
                       activities: "posting allowed" and
                       "summary only." Use posting level
                       activities to budget and maintain all
                       posted transactions. Summary activities
                       or macro activities combine information
                       and balances from lower level activities
                       for reporting and inquiries.

SIL-ACCT-CATEG-C       Alpha 5                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Account CategoUsed for Cost (COGS) postings whereas     SA300
                       the Acct-Category field is used for
                       Revenue (Sales) postings.

                       Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

SIL-FINAL-INVC-FL      Alpha 1                                   SA100   SA110
Element: All Flag      Flag to indicate that this is the last    SA300
                       invoice for the order.  Only valid for
                       system-generated invoices.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

SIL-USER-FLD1          Alpha 2                                   SA100   SA110
Purchase Order User    User field 1.                             SA300
Field 2

SIL-USER-FLD2          Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    SA100   SA110
Element: User Defined FUser field 2.                             SA300

SIL-USER-FLD3          Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                    SA100   SA110
Element: User Defined FUser field 3.                             SA300

SIL-USER-DATE-3        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     SA100   SA110
Element: Date          User date 3.                              SA300

SIL-USER-DATE-4        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     SA100   SA110
Element: Date          User date 4.                              SA300

SIL-YEAR               Numeric 4                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Last Closed YeContains the fiscal year for the data     SA300
                       stored on this record.

SIL-PERIOD             Numeric 2                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Last Closed PeContains period when booked or actual     SA300
                       sales occurred.

SIL-LINE-GROSS         Derived
Element: Line Gross    Gross sales amount for this invoice

SIL-LINE-NET           Derived
Element: Line Net      Net sales amount for this invoice line.

SIL-LINE-COST          Derived
Element: Line Cost     Cost amount for this invoice line.

SIL-LINE-PROFIT        Derived
Element: Line Profit   Profit dollar amount for this invoice

SIL-LINE-SALES         Derived
Element: Line Sales    Sales amount for this invoice line.
                       Either gross sales amount or net sales
                       amount, depending on the Sales Analysis
                       company option.

SIL-LINE-MARKUP        Derived
Element: Line Markup   Markup percentage for this invoice line.

SIL-LINE-MARGIN        Derived
Element: Line Margin   Profit margin for this invoice line.

SIL-INTR-COMP          Alpha 1                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Intr Comp     This field indicates whether the order    SA300
                       line is an inter-company order line. If
                       the value is N this is not an
                       inter-company order line.  If the value
                       is O this is an inter-company order line
                       on a customer order.  If the value is S
                       this is an inter-company order from
                       another company.

                         SAINVCLINE FILE INDEX


SILSET1   COMPANY                                                SA100   SA101
          INVC-PREFIX                                            SA110   SA252
          INVC-NUMBER                                            SA253   SA254
          LINE-NBR                                               SA255   SA256
                                                                 SA300   SALD.1

SILSET2   COMPANY                                                SA250   SA258

SILSET3   COMPANY                                                SA251

                         SAINVCLINE FILE RELATIONS



Arcomp         ARCOMP       Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> ACO-COMPANY

Arcustomer     ARCUSTOMER   Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> ACM-COMPANY
                            SIL-CUSTOMER         -> ACM-CUSTOMER

Contract       OEPRCLIST    Not Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> OPL-COMPANY
                            SIL-CUSTOMER         -> OPL-CUSTOMER
                            SIL-CONTRACT-NBR     -> OPL-LIST-NAME
                            Spaces               -> OPL-PROMOTION

Custdesc       CUSTDESC     Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> CUD-CUST-GROUP
                            SIL-CUSTOMER         -> CUD-CUSTOMER

Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> ICC-COMPANY

Iclocation     ICLOCATION   Not Required
                            Valid When SIL-LINE-TYPE = "S"

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> ICL-COMPANY
                            SIL-INV-LOCATION     -> ICL-LOCATION

Itemmast       ITEMMAST     Required
                            When SIL-LINE-TYPE = "S"
                            Or   SIL-LINE-TYPE = "N"

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> ITE-ITEM-GROUP
                            SIL-ITEM             -> ITE-ITEM

Majorcl        MAJORCL      Not Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> MAJ-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                  -> MAJ-CLASS-TYPE
                            SIL-SALES-MAJCL      -> MAJ-MAJOR-CLASS

Minorcl        MINORCL      Not Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                  -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            SIL-SALES-MAJCL      -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            SIL-SALES-MINCL      -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

Oecustcode     OECUSTCODE   Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> OCD-COMPANY
                            SAI-CUSTOMER-CODE    -> OCD-CUSTOMER-CODE

Oeproclev      OEPROCLEV    Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> OEP-COMPANY
                            SIL-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> OEP-PROCESS-LEVEL

Oereason       OEREASON     Required
                            When SIL-REASON-CODE != Spaces

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> OER-COMPANY
                            SIL-REASON-CODE      -> OER-REASON-CODE

Sacompany      SACOMPANY    Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> SAC-COMPANY

Sainvoice      SAINVOICE    Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> SAI-COMPANY
                            SIL-INVC-PREFIX      -> SAI-INVC-PREFIX
                            SIL-INVC-NUMBER      -> SAI-INVC-NUMBER

Salesrep       SALESREP     Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> SAW-COMPANY
                            SIL-SALESMAN         -> SAW-SALESMAN

Salesrep2      SALESREP     Required
                            When SIL-SALESMAN-2 != Zeroes

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> SAW-COMPANY
                            SIL-SALESMAN-2       -> SAW-SALESMAN

Shipto         SHIPTO       Not Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> SHP-COMPANY
                            SIL-CUSTOMER         -> SHP-CUSTOMER
                            SIL-SHIP-TO          -> SHP-SHIP-TO

Teritory       TERITORY     Not Required

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> TRY-COMPANY
                            SIL-TERRITORY        -> TRY-TERRITORY

                         SAINVCLINE FILE RELATIONS



Sainvcaoc      SAINVCAOC

                            SIL-COMPANY          -> SIA-COMPANY
                            SIL-INVC-PREFIX      -> SIA-INVC-PREFIX
                            SIL-INVC-NUMBER      -> SIA-INVC-NUMBER
                            SIL-LINE-NBR         -> SIA-LINE-NBR