Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AM95.1 - Disposal Analysis

**Form purpose
Use Disposal Analysis (AM95.1) to display asset disposal information by
asset, tag, disposal date, asset basis, and asset book value.

**Required fields
The Book and Company fields are required to display any asset information.

-  Use the Company,Lease, Classification, Location, Division, Type, Asset
Group, Disposal Type and Disposal Date fields to limit the assets displayed to
assets associated with a lease, a classification, a location, a division, an
asset type or subtype, an asset group, a disposal type, or a range of disposal
-  Choose the Total Asset button to display the total basis and book value
amounts for the assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Filter button to enable the filter and set further parameters
for the display.  An asterisk next to button displays when the filter is
-  Choose the LTD button to display book basis,  life-to-date depreciation,
and book value amounts for the disposed assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Gain/Loss button to display gain or loss and deferred gain or
loss information for the disposed assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Proc/Cost button to display proceeds and expense information
for the disposed assets included in the analysis.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to retrieve the asset tag.

    AMASSETDSP - Used to retrieve asset disposal data.

    AMASTBKDSP - Used to retrieve asset book disposal data.

    AMASTTYPE  - Used to validate asset type and subtype.

    AMBOOK     - Used to validate the book.

    AMCALENDAR - Used to validate the date range.


    AMDIVISION - Used to validate the division.

    AMLOCATION - Used to validate the location.

    GLADDRESS  - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    LMLEASE    -


AM95.2 - Disposal Totals

**Field purpose
The Disposal Totals subform displays totals for the asset disposal analysis
online forms.  Depending on the form from which it is called, the Total
subform displays different information.
-  If chosen on Disposal Analysis (AM95.1), the subform displays total basis
and book value amounts for the disposed assets included in the analysis.
-  If chosen on Disposal LTD Analysis (AM95.4), the subform displays total
book basis, life-to-date depreciation, and book value amounts for the disposed
assets included in the analysis.
-  If chosen on Disposal Gain/Loss Analysis (AM95.5), the subform displays
total gain/loss and deferred gain/loss amounts for the disposed assets
included in the analysis.
-  If chosen on Disposal Proceeds/Cost Analysis (AM95.6), the subform
displays total sales proceeds or expenses incurred for the disposal of the
assets included in the analysis.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to validate asset information.


    AMASTBKDSP - Used to total disposal amounts.


AM95.3 - Disposal Filter

**Form purpose
Use this subform to select parameters that limit the number of disposed
assets displayed on Disposal Analysis (AM95.1), Disposal LTD Analysis
(AM95.4),  Disposal Gain/Loss Analysis (AM95.5), or Disposal Proceeds/Cost
Analysis (AM95.6).

To enable the filter and have it impact your display, you must select Y
(Enabled) in the Enable Filter field. The default is no filter.

Updated Files


Referenced Files


    AMASSET    -


AM95.4 - Disposal LTD Analysis

**Form purpose
Use Disposal LTD Analysis (AM95.1) to book basis,  life-to-date depreciation,
and book value amounts for the disposed assets included in the analysis.

**Required fields
The Book and Company fields are required to display any asset information.

-  Use the Company,Lease, Classification, Location, Division, Type, Asset
Group, Disposal Type and Disposal Date fields to limit the assets displayed to
assets associated with a lease, a classification, a location, a division, an
asset type or subtype, an asset group, a disposal type, or a range of disposal
-  Choose the Total Asset button to display the total basis and book value
amounts for the assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Filter button to enable the filter and set further parameters
for the display.  An asterisk next to button displays when the filter is
-  Choose the Basis button to display asset disposal information by asset,
tag, disposal date, asset basis, and asset book value.
-  Choose the Gain/Loss button to display gain or loss and deferred gain or
loss information for the disposed assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Proc/Cost button to display proceeds and expense information
for the disposed assets included in the analysis.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    -




    AMBOOK     -






    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    LMLEASE    -


AM95.5 - Disposal Gain/Loss Analysis

**Form purpose
Use Disposal Gain/Loss Analysis (AM95.5) to display gain or loss and deferred
gain or loss information for the disposed assets included in the analysis.

**Required fields
The Book and Company fields are required.

-  Use the Company,Lease, Classification, Location, Division, Type, Asset
Group, Disposal Type and Disposal Date fields to limit the assets displayed to
assets associated with a lease, a classification, a location, a division, an
asset type or subtype, an asset group, a disposal type, or a range of disposal
-  Choose the Total Asset button to display the total basis and book value
amounts for the assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Filter button to enable the filter and set further parameters
for the display.  An asterisk next to button displays when the filter is
-  Choose the LTD button to display book basis,  life-to-date depreciation,
and book value amounts for the disposed assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Basis button to display asset disposal information by asset,
tag, disposal date, asset basis, and asset book value.
-  Choose the Proc/Cost button to display proceeds and expense information
for the disposed assets included in the analysis.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    -




    AMBOOK     -






    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    LMLEASE    -


AM95.6 - Disposal Proceeds/Cost Analysis

**Form purpose
Use Disposal Proceeds/Cost Analysis (AM95.1) to display proceeds and expense
information incurred in the disposal of  the assets included in the analysis.

**Required fields
The Book and Company fields are required.

-  Use the Company,Lease, Classification, Location, Division, Type, Asset
Group, Disposal Type and Disposal Date fields to limit the assets displayed to
assets associated with a lease, a classification, a location, a division, an
asset type or subtype, an asset group, a disposal type, or a range of disposal
-  Choose the Total Asset button to display the total basis and book value
amounts for the assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Filter button to enable the filter and set further parameters
for the display.  An asterisk next to button displays when the filter is
-  Choose the LTD button to display book basis,  life-to-date depreciation,
and book value amounts for the disposed assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Gain/Loss button to display gain or loss and deferred gain or
loss information for the disposed assets included in the analysis.
-  Choose the Basis button to display asset disposal information by asset,
tag, disposal date, asset basis, and asset book value.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    -




    AMBOOK     -






    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    LMLEASE    -


INVOKED Programs
