Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL196 - Report Currency Translation

Run GL196 (Report Currency Translation) to translate the company base currency
and report currencies. This program compares the ending and period base
currency amounts with the report currency amounts. If there are differences
between the two amounts, report currency translation updates the balances for
the report currencies. For example, if the translation rate increases from 5
to 8 percent, the base currency amount is multiplied by 3 (the percentage
change) to update the report currency amount. The system creates a journal
entry to record the adjustments.

The company base currency is translated using the translation table rate
defined in CU20.1 (Currency Table Translation Rates) and the translation code
defined in CU05.1 (Translation Code).

The Rate Type you select for the translation code in CU05.1 affects how the
base currency and report currency amounts are translated. If you selected
Ending or Historical, the year-to-date amounts are updated. If you selected
Average, the amount for the period you select in this form is updated.

If your company uses zone balancing, offset transactions are generated in your
transaction gain and loss accounts. Offset transactions are the amount
difference between the exchange rate amount and the translation rate amount.
Company zone accounts are defined in GL30.1 (Interzone Relationships).

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.


    GLCONTROL  - This file is updated with a journal entry to support account

    GLMASTER   - Used to validate posting accounts.  This file is updated if
                 dynamic account generation is used.

    GLSYSJE    -

    GLTRANS    - This file is updated with posting account transactions to
                 support converted account balances.

Referenced Files

    CUAMOUNT   - Updates currency account balances.

    CUCODES    - Used to validate a currency code.

    CUCONV     - Used to access currency exchange rates.

    CURELAT    - Used to validate currency relationships.

    CUTRANSL   - Used to access currency translation rates.

    GLADDRESS  - Used to update address information.

    GLAMOUNTS  - This file is updated with posting account period balances.

    GLCGCPY    -

    GLCHART    - Updated the general ledger chart of accounts file.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate a detail account.

    GLCPYGRP   -

    GLNAMES    - Used to validate accounting units.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate companies.

    GLZONE     - Used to validate zones.

    TRCODES    - Used to validate translation codes.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
