Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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IC283 - Par Location Valuation

Run this program to print the Inventory Location Valuation report. This
program valuates stock-on-hand quantities based on a specified costing method
(standard, average, LIFO, or FIFO). By default, inventory valuation is based
on the costing method defined for the company. Refer to the Inventory Control
User Guide for costing method calculation formulas.

You select the inventory valuated on this report by location, report group,
and/or general ledger category. Otherwise, inventory valuation is based on all
locations and general ledger categories. This report lists general ledger
category, location, and company summarized totals. You can include item detail
and exclude items with zero stock-on-hand quantities. If you print item
detail, this report prints by location and general ledger category the item
number, description, unit of measure, unit cost, intransit quantities,
stock-on-hand quantity, and stock-on-hand value.

Note: This report is a composite total of Item Location records at a specific
moment. The date and time this program was run prints on the report. If you
print this report after you run IC130 (General Ledger Interface), inventory
valuation totals should agree with inventory general ledger account totals.
Otherwise, if you print this report on a different day, totals may not
balance. In this case, run IC234 (Period End Valuation) to print this report
as of a specific date.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
                 to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the inventory location.

Referenced Files

    GLADDRESS  - This file contains the name, address, and communication
                 numbers for the company and needed accounting units.

    GLCHART    - This file contains chart and system account information in the
                 General Ledger system.

    GLSYSTEM   - This file contains company information used primarily by the
                 General Ledger system, but is also referenced by Lawson

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number.

    ICRPTGRP   - The Report Group file stores the valid report groups used to
                 define groups of locations for reporting purposes.

    ITEMLOC    - The Item Location file contains the dynamic information for an
                 inventoried item at a stock location.

    ITEMMAST   - The Item Master file stores static information about each item
                 such as description, classes, units of measure, and weight.

    RQLOC      - This file contains the valid requesting locations for the

INVOKED Programs
