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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PA172 - Initiate Preliminary Budget Data

Run PA172 (Initiate Preliminary Budget Data) to copy selected budget
information to  a PA72.1 (Preliminary Position Budget) or PA73.1 (Preliminary
Job Budget).

You can use this form to start the budget planning process or to copy records
in the middle of a fiscal year.

This program will not overwrite existing budget information. If you want to
delete existing preliminary information, use PA371 (Budget Purge) and then run
this program.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - The Check Point file is the environment file used for recovery.

    PABUDGET   - The Budget file is the primary file maintained by PA171.

Referenced Files

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file verifies that the department exists.

    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file verfifies the job code.

    PAASSIGNED - The Assigned Resources file retrieves the assigned head count
                 and edits it against the  new head count and FTE.

    PAPOSITION - The Position Changes file retrieves all positions for a budget.

    PAPOSRULE  - The Position Rules file verfifies that company rules exist and
                 uses the rules for edits.

    PCODES     - The Human Resource Code file verifies the budget reason.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Level file verifies the company and
                 process level and retrieves the company name.

INVOKED Programs
