Send email by Actor ID?

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Thibaud Lopez Schneider
Advanced Member
Posts: 30
Advanced Member



    I have an email activity node in a process flow, and I need to set the To: field to an Actor ID, not to an email address. I was hoping IPA would resolve the Actor ID to the email address that is stored in the Contact Info of the Actor, but it doesn't, thus the SMTP server throws an error that the recipient doesn't exist. How to do that?


    Otherwise, I added a Landmark Transaction activity node to Find the Actor by ID, it works, but it only reflects the Actor ID as an output, and I don't know how to get the ContactInfo.EmailAddress out of it. How to do that?


    Thank you!



    Veteran Member
    Posts: 709
    Veteran Member

      Hi Thibaud - unfortunately, you can't just select an actor.  You have to provide either an email address or a task that includes that employee.  However, retrieving the email address from the actor record is pretty straightforward using a Landmark Query node:


      Kelly Meade
      J. R. Simplot Company
      Boise, ID
      Thibaud Lopez Schneider
      Advanced Member
      Posts: 30
      Advanced Member

        1) Bummer.

        2) That worked. I had to select the ContactInfo.EmailAddress in the Non-Key Fields and move it to the right. Then, in the Email activity node, I set the To: address to the variable LMTxn3420_ContactInfo_EmailAddress

        Thank you.
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