Does not exist exception - LMRK Transaction Node

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    Attempting to build a new LMRK Transaction node so I can get all the location information to return for a .csv file.  I plan on saving the data off to a variable and then to the .csv file.

    I have a LMRK Transaction node to query the HRLocation business class.  Here is the node...  The only criteria is as shown.

    Landmark:LMRK_Facility Executing transaction_dataArea=dev & _module="hr" & _objectName="HRLocation" & _actionName="Find" & _actionOperator="NONE" & _actionType="SingleRecordQuery" & _runAsUser="" & _pageSize="30" & _relationName="" & _setName="" & _asOfDate="" & _effectiveDate="" & HROrganization="1" & HRLocation & Description

    When I run this, I get the following error.  Nothing is returned.

    Landmark:LMRK_Facility Application Error com.lawson.rdtech.type.DoesNotExistException: HR Location does not exist.


    I can do a SQL in MSSS and I get all data returned.  If I set HRLocation = to a specific item I get data.  How can I get past this error and get all data to return?


    David Williams
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1127
    Veteran Member
      Try changing it to a multiple record query
      David Williams
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 84
      Veteran Member
        PERFECT! Thank you David! Such a simple answer. I was at the point where I couldn't see the trees thru the forest anymore.
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