Proxy Approvals for Personnel Actions

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Kelly H
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Posts: 167
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    I realize this is not specific to Lawson and MSS, but I am hoping it might help us as we work to role out an automated version of Employee Status Change form.

    Does your company allow Proxy Approvals for Personnel Actions? Ie) an admin assistant forwarding an approval for a vice president or director or even manager

    We are a large company and this is a very common practice amoung our VPs and Directors. At the very minumum the admin assitant completes the paper form for the VP and then has them sign off on it.

    We currently allow this for some Personnel Actions and are trying to move to a more automated Manager Self Service production in Lawson 9.01 (S3). Ideally we would love to get rid of the idea of a proxy role. Are other companies allowing this? If you did at one time and then decided not to, how did it go over?

    Veteran Member
    Posts: 444
    Veteran Member
      We had some of that happening in the past, we had MSS rolled out with separate logins for MSS from backoffice. As we implemented LS security, we also did an LDAP bind to network logins. Once that was in place, for proxy sign off, the Mgr, Dir, VP was giving access to everything as the user name and password is the same as what they log into the network. That security risk eliminated the formal process of proxy sign-off.

      It sound like as you are planning this roll out, you might be able to give access to some admin asst to status change forms or a design studio version of it, then build in an approval process in the automated flow to account for it. Otherwise, the streamlining of the process with electronic approvals can work to help eliminate the need for proxy if built correctly.
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