LASE won't start

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Jeff White
Veteran Member
Posts: 83
Veteran Member

    We rebooted our Lawson test server, and now lase does not want to start.  It's a fresh reboot, so I'm not sure why we are receiving an "Address already in use" message.  And we have verified that Tivoli is running.

  Env running on HP Integrity 11iv3

    Any ideas?

    Below is the error that we are receiving in the lase_server_0_0.log file:


    17-11-09 09:26:36:964 1 default.SEVERE server.SecurityServer.initializeServer(de

    fault): Error initializing server. Security server exiting ...
    com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SecuredConnectionException:Got exception while connecti
    ng to server on port 9511. Message
    Address already in use (errno:226)
    Stack Trace : Address already in use (errno:226)

    Brian Allen
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 104
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      It looks like the port is already active.  Could 2 instances be started?  You could check netstat or equivalent on the server to see what ports are active.

      Matt Sherwood
      Advanced Member
      Posts: 22
      Advanced Member

        Please try this.  

        cd $LAWDIR/system


        get the server.default.port


        netstat -an | grep server.default port

        the netstat command should show you what is grabbing the port (hopefully)

        When I've seen this in the past it was usually ladebug grabbing the port.  That doesn't make sense after a reboot though. 


        Jeff White
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 83
        Veteran Member
          Yeah.  We looked, and we just aren't seeing it.


          netstat -a | grep 9511

          tcp        0      0  *.9511                 *.*                     LISTEN


          netstat -a | grep 9510
          tcp        0      0  *.9510                 *.*                     LISTEN


          And this is the only thing running when we do a ps -ef | grep law


              root 12620     1  0 09:14:07 ?         0:06 /opt/java6/bin/IA64W/java -Dcom.
          lawson.lawdir=/law90/lawson -Dcom.lawson.ladbdir=/law90/DB -Dcom.lawson.gendir=/
          law90/gen -clas

          Jeff White
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 83
          Veteran Member
            The ladebug thing would make sense. The animator stopped working, and it was the whole reason that we rebooted the server.

            netstat -an | grep 9510
            tcp 0 0 *.9510 *.* LISTEN
            Matt Sherwood
            Advanced Member
            Posts: 22
            Advanced Member

              Try running a stoplaw, then make sure all pids are gone.


              then check for hung ipcs


              echo $LAWIPC


               ipcs |grep 0x7[0,c,d,e]## (where ## is the last 2 characters for the value of LAWIPC)


              If you find any, use the ipcrm command to remove them... or I would think another reboot would clear them. 


              1. ipcrm - PID



               $ echo $LAWIPC



                $ ipcs |grep 0x7[0,c,d,e]5d

              m  30408726 0x7e5d0000 --rw-------     root   lawson

              s  68157616 0x7e5d0000 --ra-------     root   lawson


               $ sudo ipcrm -m 30408726

               $ sudo ipcrm -s 68157616


              Matt Sherwood
              Advanced Member
              Posts: 22
              Advanced Member

                Here is the full process I used to follow for this.  Sorry it took me awhile to find it. 


                step 1.  go to $LAWDIR/system




                step 2.  more

                get the server.default.port=40014

                you just need the 40014 part


                step 3.  netstat -an | grep 40014

                 it will show that the port is listening   (hopefully)


                step 4. 


                sudo lsof | grep 40004



                  $ sudo lsof | grep 40014


                lsof: WARNING: compiled for AIX version; this is

                su_ladebu 1249728   lawson    5u  IPv4 0xf100070013b463b0                0t0     TCP *:40014 (LISTEN)


                note the pid for su_ladebug


                step 5.

                ps -ef | grep  1249728


                lawson 1249728       1   0 00:55:38      -  0:00 /law/lawt/gen/bin/ladebug -B



                step 6.  

                kill ladebug


                sudo kill -9 1249728       

                step 7 .


                start lawson

                Jeff White
                Veteran Member
                Posts: 83
                Veteran Member
                  Our LAWIPC value is: 0x9

                  These are the only 0x7 processes out there:
                  s 0 0x7221ad53 --ra-ra-ra- root root
                  s 18 0x732096c2 --ra-ra-ra- root root
                  s 19 0x702096c2 --ra-ra-ra- root root
                  s 21 0x752096c2 --ra-ra-ra- root root
                  Matt Sherwood
                  Advanced Member
                  Posts: 22
                  Advanced Member

                    What did the lsof command come back with?




                    lawtest: sudo lsof | grep 41000
                    [sudo] password for u6883:
                    lacobrts  16705    lawson   10u     IPv4          163436949       0t0        TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
                    java      24186      root   87u     IPv4            3970287       0t0        TCP *:41000 (LISTEN)
                    java      24186      root  117u     IPv4          163436952       0t0        TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

                    Jeff White
                    Veteran Member
                    Posts: 83
                    Veteran Member
                      server.default.sslport=9511 - This is the port its complaining about

                      netstat -an | grep 9510
                      tcp 0 0 *.9510 *.* LISTEN

                      lsof | grep 9510

                      Got exception while connecti
                      ng to server on port 9511. Message
                      Address already in use (errno:226)
                      Matt Sherwood
                      Advanced Member
                      Posts: 22
                      Advanced Member
                        Here is what we show for our server.default.sslport Not sure if that helps any...

                        lawtest: sudo lsof | grep 41001
                        java 24186 root 100u IPv4 3970275 0t0 TCP *:41001 (LISTEN)

                        lawtest: ps -ef | grep 24186 | grep -v grep
                        root 3624 24280 0 Oct26 ? 00:00:00 oradb11 (15:24186) gen
                        root 3689 24280 0 Oct26 ? 00:00:00 oradb11 (16:24186) test
                        root 24186 24184 0 Oct26 ? 00:08:04 /usr/java/latest/bin/java -Dcom.lawson.lawdir=/lawson/law -Dcom.lawson.ladbdir=/lawson/db -Dcom.lawson.gendir=/lawson/gen -classpath /lawson/gen/java/jar/secLS.jar:/lawson/gen/java/jar/lawsonrt.jar:/lawson/gen/java/jar/lawsec.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/sec-client.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/getopt.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/installer.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/secLS.jar:/lawson/law/system:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/avalon.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/batik.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/fop.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/iText-2.1.0.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/grid.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/mybatis.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/h2.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/derby.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/derbynet.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/derbyclient.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/json.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/lucene-core.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/opensaml.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/openws.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/xmltooling.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/velocity-1.7.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/joda-time-2.0.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/xmlsec.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/commons-lang.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/esapi.jar:/lawson/gen/java/jar/lsfion.jar:/lawson/gen/java/thirdParty/sqljdbc.jar -Djava.ext.dirs=/lawson/gen/java/ext:/lawson/gen/java/impl:/usr/java/latest/jre/lib/ext:/usr/java/latest/lib/ext -Xmx2048m com.lawson.lawsec.server.SecurityServer default 24182
                        root 32528 24280 0 Oct31 ? 00:00:00 oradb11 (176:24186) logan
                        Jeff White
                        Veteran Member
                        Posts: 83
                        Veteran Member
                          Well, we rebooted the server again, made sure Tivoli and Server Express was running, then ran the startlaw. We aren't receiving the "Address already used" message in lase_server_0_0.log, but the process is still hung up, and we just keep seeing this message over and over again in the lase.log:

                          Thu Nov 9 12:31:29 2017: Trying to test connection to Security server 'default'.
                          Thu Nov 9 12:32:46 2017: Trying to test connection to Security server 'default'.
                          Thu Nov 9 12:34:03 2017: Trying to test connection to Security server 'default'.
                          Thu Nov 9 12:35:20 2017: Trying to test connection to Security server 'default'.
                          Thu Nov 9 12:36:38 2017: Trying to test connection to Security server 'default'.
                          Thu Nov 9 12:37:55 2017: Trying to test connection to Security server 'default'

                          And the netstat -an | grep 9510
                          netstat -a | grep 9510
                          tcp 0 1 gmkux13.50464 lawtest.9510 SYN_SENT
                          tcp 0 0 *.9510 *.* LISTEN
                          Jeff White
                          Veteran Member
                          Posts: 83
                          Veteran Member
                            Well, we finally figured it out. When rebooting, the Unix Admin had an issue with the some of the networks, so he disable all but the primary network. There were two other IP's that needed to be running, and they were not. Too bad the Lawson logs aren't a little more detailed. Thanks for all of the input.