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Article Series on Design Studio, Part 2: How Does It Work and Where Does It Fit?

In this article we continue our in-depth look at Lawson Design Studio--how it works, and where it fits within the overall Lawson architecture.

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johnecreated the topic: WFWORKUNIT table, WF-STATUS field value set

documentation I can find has values for this field  as 01 thur 08,  and 29

does anyone have an updated list of  values?   ...

1 day ago

Colleen Bertagnollicreated the topic: Benefit change/termination reules

Can old benefit change/termination rules rules be deleted (BN16.3 and BN16.4) without harm?  We have a number of them especially on the benefit p...

3 days ago

Bill Brennenstuhlcreated the topic: this.bean is null

Getting this error when my IPA gets to the second iteration of a Landmark Transaction.  I am iterating through 6 records and it only does it on t...

1 week ago

Ragu Raghavanreplied to: RE: Converting UTC Date to EST Date using Javascript

I have used this to convert date_time to UTC. Maybe you can do the reverse - d = new Date(vYear,vMonth,vDay,vHour,vMin,vSec,00); diff = d.getTim...

1 week ago

Roger Frenchcreated the topic: Converting UTC Date to EST Date using Javascript

I'm looking for how others are performing a conversion of a UTC Date (or any time zone date) to EST Date in Javascript. The requirement is to have...

1 week ago

mike.gallagher12created the topic: Changing the orgs email domain


We're changing our email addresses across the organization from .org to .gov.  Any tips or tricks in the S3 world that ...

2 weeks ago

Bradreplied to: RE: PA52 - Reverse an action.

Morning! You can fix this various ways. The best way is to go back to the action that technically would have updated the field that the reversal i...

3 weeks ago

JonAreplied to: RE: Adding lines to IC81

Did you get an upload map file for IC81?

3 weeks ago

Jordan Morleycreated the topic: Managing List Views

Need to delete list views

1 month ago

klemmyjbreplied to: RE: Adding lines to IC81

Hi Bev, 

Can you please share your Addin query on IC81 with me 

1 month ago

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The Rise of Dual Ransomware Attacks

One ransomware attack is bad enough, but threat actors won’t always stop there. Dual attacks are a trend to watch.
Information Week, January 9, 2024

How to Manage a Rapidly Growing IT Team

Maintaining IT staff performance and efficiency during rapid growth requires careful planning and structure. Here's how to expand your team without missing a beat.
Information Week, May 1, 2024

Employee discontent: Insider threat No. 1

CISOs who focus only on detection technology — and don’t engage with the human side of the security equation — are missing a key ingredient for insider risk management.
CSO, May 21, 2024

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Inforum 2014

Although I didn’t attend Inforum 2014, this is the backdrop against which I watched the keynotes via streaming video and digested the executive/analyst briefings. “’Designing emotion into the product is now something you really have to think about explicitly and measure yourself against’, says Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit, the maker of personal finance and […]

We’re Number One!

It’s not often that one gets to say “we are the best”, but Medstar Montgomery Medical Center (MMMC) now has that honor. I’ve had the privilege of working with MMMC [formerly Montgomery General Hospital] for over a decade.  Truly a fantastic group of IT professionals, and I’m proud to be part of their team!  So, […]

Another Update on Alleged Patent Infringement

Back in 2011, Lawson responded to an Alleged Patent Infringement by replacing Requisition Self-Service (RSS) with Requisition Center (RQC). In the meantime, Lawson has been acquired by Infor, but the patent case still lingers. Here’s an update. Some of you might have received this notice from Infor, and are unsure how this might impact your […]

The Untimely Passing of a Legend

We learned today that our dear friend, Matthew Allbee, passed away over the weekend after a long battle with cancer. The last time I saw Matt was just a couple of months ago at Inforum, and while he certainly wasn’t well, I had no idea it would be the last time we would talk. I […]

Time To Rename LawsonGuru ?

With Lawson S3 and M3 customers adopting integrated Infor products, is it time to expand and rename the LawsonGuru Letter and LawsonGuru.com? I thought it would be fun to ask the community for advice. Here are some ideas:

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