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New Member
Posts: 1
New Member
    I am having a difficult time finding Users who have implemeted e-Recruting. Has anyone out there implemented it? I'd like to have a brief discussion about your experience.
    John Henley
    Senior Member
    Posts: 3348
    Senior Member
      Have you tried the 'opt-in query' at DigitalConcourse.com? That tool will allow you to search for clients by product.
      Thanks for using the LawsonGuru.com forums!
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 191
      Veteran Member
        We are in the middle of doing a e-Recruiting impementation. We have run into a few issues here and there. Right now I am trying to get the candidate interface running.
        Basic Member
        Posts: 7
        Basic Member
          I have implemented successfully at my company recently. Ask away..

          Veteran Member
          Posts: 191
          Veteran Member
            I ended up just rewriting the candidate interface. I has given us some added flexibility that way.
            Basic Member
            Posts: 7
            Basic Member
              We have the candidate interface working as well. However, it doesnt pass along all the data that I would like it to. We are considering using a combination of MicroSoft Access and Lawson Add-ins to load a more robust data set into Lawson for newly hired employees.
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 191
              Veteran Member

                Hopefully this will be a good starting point for you. You may want to break the select out that gets the work phone number. We also do some additional selects against Lawson to make sure an employee isn't in Lawson already(check on SSN) and also to join job requisition data with new hire data. This select has an issue where it would return duplicate rows if a person puts in two or more work phone numbers. The second select attempts to pull a home phone if one is present but will get a cell phone if one is not present etc... The last little bit is just the format of the data that is needed for the PA job.

                SELECT DISTINCT req.req_lawson_reqnr AS lawson_req_num
                , cust.cust_id
                , cust.cust_lastname AS last_name
                , cust.cust_firstname AS first_name
                , cust.cust_middlename AS middle_name
                , addr.custa_address AS addr1
                , addr.custa_address2 AS addr2
                , addr.custa_city AS city
                , state.skill_name AS state
                , addr.custa_zip AS zip_code
                , country.skill_name AS country
                , work_phone.work_phone
                , work_phone.work_phone_country
                , work_phone.work_phone_ext
                , '' AS fax_phone
                , '' AS fax_phone_country
                , '' AS fax_phone_ext
                , cand.cand_ssn AS fica_nbr
                , TO_CHAR(cand_autodatecreated,'MMDDYYYY') AS date_applied
                , '' AS HIRE_SOURCE
                , '' AS PREVIOUS_EMP
                , '' AS WORK_SCHEDULE
                , '' AS WORK_ELIGIBILITY
                , TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MMDDYYYY') AS date_export
                , TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24MISS') AS time_export
                , DECODE(cust.cust_e_mail,NULL,'',cust.cust_e_mail || '@' || edomain.skill_name) AS email_addr
                FROM vn_ijob.askill hired
                , vn_ijob.acand_req_skill mtm
                , vn_ijob.acand cand
                , vn_ijob.areq req
                , vn_ijob.acust cust
                , vn_ijob.acust_address addr
                , vn_ijob.askill state
                , vn_ijob.askill edomain
                , vn_ijob.askill country
                , (
                SELECT work_phone.custp_t_cust_id
                , work_phone.custp_area_code||work_phone.custp_number AS work_phone
                , work_phone_country.skill_name AS work_phone_country
                , work_phone.custp_ext AS work_phone_ext
                FROM vn_ijob.ACUST_PHONE work_phone
                , vn_ijob.askill work
                , vn_ijob.askill work_phone_country
                WHERE work_phone.custp_t_skill_type = work.skill_id
                AND work_phone.custp_t_skill_country = work_phone_country.skill_id
                AND work.skill_name = 'Work Phone'
                ) work_phone
                WHERE UPPER(hired.skill_name) LIKE '%HIRED%'
                AND mtm.crs_autodatecreated > SYSDATE - 30
                AND hired.skill_id = mtm.crs_t_skill_id
                AND mtm.crs_t_cand_id = cand.cand_id
                AND mtm.crs_t_req_id = req.req_id
                AND cand.cand_t_cust_id = cust.cust_id
                AND cust.cust_id = addr.custa_t_cust_id(+)
                AND addr.custa_t_skill_state = state.skill_id(+)
                AND addr.custa_t_skill_country = country.skill_id(+)
                AND cust.cust_id = work_phone.custp_t_cust_id(+)
                AND cust.cust_t_skill_e_maildomain = edomain.skill_id(+)

                SELECT home_phone.custp_area_code||home_phone.custp_number AS home_phone
                , home_phone_country.skill_name AS home_phone_country
                , home.skill_name AS phone_type
                , CASE home.skill_name
                WHEN 'Home Phone' THEN 1
                WHEN 'Cell Phone' THEN 2
                ELSE 3 END as phone_rank
                FROM vn_ijob.ACUST_PHONE home_phone
                , vn_ijob.askill home
                , vn_ijob.askill home_phone_country
                WHERE home_phone.custp_t_skill_type = home.skill_id
                AND home_phone.custp_t_skill_country = home_phone_country.skill_id
                AND home_phone.custp_t_cust_id = ?
                ORDER BY phone_rank

                strLn = strLn & "A," 'For add
                strLn = strLn & "1," 'Company number
                strLn = strLn & "," '?lawson_req_num?
                strLn = strLn & row("last_name").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("first_name").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("middle_name") & ","
                strLn = strLn & Mid(row("middle_name").ToString(), 1, 1) & ","
                strLn = strLn & "," 'nickName
                strLn = strLn & row("addr1").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("addr2").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & ","
                strLn = strLn & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("city").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("state").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("zip_code").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & strMapCountry(row("country").ToString()) & ","
                strLn = strLn & strMapCountry(HomePhone.strCountry) & ","
                strLn = strLn & strFixPhone(HomePhone.strPhoneNum) & ","
                strLn = strLn & strMapCountry(row("work_phone_country").ToString()) & ","
                strLn = strLn & strFixPhone(row("work_phone").ToString()) & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("work_phone_ext").ToString() & ","
                strLn = strLn & "," 'fax_country
                strLn = strLn & "," 'fax_number
                strLn = strLn & "," 'faxext
                strLn = strLn & "," 'Date Hired?
                strLn = strLn & "," 'appStatus
                strLn = strLn & strFixFica(row("fica_nbr").ToString()) & ","
                strLn = strLn & row("date_applied").ToString() & "," 'dateApplied
                strLn = strLn & "," 'hiresource
                strLn = strLn & "," 'refLastName
                strLn = strLn & "," 'refFirstName
                strLn = strLn & "," 'refMiddleInit
                strLn = strLn & "," 'findersFee
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevApply
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevLocation
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevDate
                strLn = strLn & "N," 'prevEmploy
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevEmpNbr
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevLocWork
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevBegDate
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevEndDate
                strLn = strLn & "," 'appRating
                strLn = strLn & "," 'formerLastNumber
                strLn = strLn & "," 'formerFirstNumber
                strLn = strLn & "," 'formerMi
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevAddr1
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevAddr2
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevAddr3
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevAddr4
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevCity
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevState
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevZip
                strLn = strLn & "," 'prevCountryCode
                strLn = strLn & "," 'eeoClass
                strLn = strLn & "," 'sex
                strLn = strLn & "," 'ageFlag
                strLn = strLn & "," 'handicapId + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'job1 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'job2 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'job3 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'begPay + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'endPay + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'dateAvail + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'veteran + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'draftStatus + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'finalRank + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'curStatus + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'lastPhysical + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'wrkRstCode1 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'wrkRstCode2 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'wrkRstCode3 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'wrkRstCode4 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'resume + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'position1 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'position2 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'position3 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'processLevel + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'empStatus + ",");
                strLn = strLn & JobReq.strWorkSched & "," 'workSchedule + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'nbrFte + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'pin + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "Y," 'eligWork + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'travAvail + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'travPct + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'relocAvail + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'otAvail + ",");
                strLn = strLn & row("email_addr") & "," 'emailAddr + ",");
                strLn = strLn & row("date_export") & "," 'dateStamp + ",");
                strLn = strLn & row("time_export") & "," 'timeStamp + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'userId + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'employee + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'userId + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'nameSuffix + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'nameTitle + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'languageCode + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'birthDate + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'disability + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'currencyCode + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'baseBegPay + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'baseEndPay + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'baseCurrency + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'currCode2 + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'baseFee + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'consent + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'lastNamePre + ",");
                strLn = strLn & "," 'religion);
                strLn = strLn & "," 'StringUtil.LS);
                strLn = strLn & vbCrLf
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