pa59 Attachments

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Mary Porter
Veteran Member
Posts: 337
Veteran Member
    when you drill on the Action on pa59 you have the option to add attachments which are either comments or private comments.
    Does anyone know what table they are stored in? I don't see them in PAGRDI or PACOMMENTS
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    Posts: 164
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      Mary...  You cannot access an attachment file the same way you do with database files.  These are special attachment files attached to the primary table being updated, in this case; PAGRDI.   When this table was created it was flagged as being able to support "attachments" in the dbdef.  There is an entire set of API's that are used to access these files.  The documentation of attachment files is as such...

         Attachments Specifies whether attachments, such as Comments, are allowed with this file. Comments are useful for linking narrative text to
         specific data.                          

         Yes creates two attachment files that are related to the attachment-enabled data file and are named as follows:                                                  





          where Prefix is the prefix of the data file to which the attachments are related; L_H indicates a header attachment file (the first 512 bytes of
      attachment), and L_D indicates the detail attachment  file (the remaining bytes, up to 32,000, of the attachment).   


      Mary Porter
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 337
      Veteran Member
        Exactly what I needed - the L_INDEX can be linked on L_DPAG and L_HPAG and PAGRDI! Thank you so much!
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