How to delete multiple Landmark files

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    On v11 Cloudsuite, we want to use IPA to delete same filenames with datestamps, e.g.  invoice0823.csv, invoice0824.csv, invoice0826.csv, etc.

    Is it possible to delete all files beginning with "invoice" when each "invoice" file has a different datestamp.

    I know FileAccess node can delete (1) file.

    Not sure how to code a deletion of same filenames with multiple occurrences.  Thanks for your assistance. 


    Ragu Raghavan
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 472
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      Not sure about V11, but on V10, I have used a 3 step method to do this -
      1. File Access - List Files - with a filter specified
      2. DataIterator to process the results from step 1
      3. For each file in the list, do a File Access to delete
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 83
      Veteran Member
        Ragu, thanks so much!