Lawson AR and PO screens freezing up

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    We've been having mutiple users' screens freeze up in both AR and PO. They have to log off and back in to continue. I've reproduced the problem myself. For example PO20, PO30, RQ10, AR20, AR30...

    hangup in po30.1 while receiving; hangs up whenever changing screens; when trying to release receiver#; also happens when paging up & down. 
    hangs up at different stages, not always the same places.

    Please help - the users have been having a terrible time.


    Jimmy Chiu
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 641
    Veteran Member
      Platform/version you are on?
      Can you check ladb.log in your LAWDIR\System for error?
      Is the behavior occuring in both PORTAL and LID?
      have your network guy check for any latency in your network?
      Basic Member
      Posts: 14
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        Lawson Insight 7.2.2, HP-UX, Windows Client/XP Pro
        There are no errors in ladb.log.
        We now have someone looking at WireShark captures on the network.
        Jimmy Chiu
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 641
        Veteran Member
          How long has this been happening? Have you restarted lawson and see if the issue happens over time or always?
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            Its been happening intermittently/ocassionally for several months, but has gotten worse the past 1-2 months to the point that the users have a very hard time during the monthly closing cycle.
            Our Unix Admin has checked the system and found no problems . No memory errors. The utilization of memory, cpu and disk is fine. Disk space available is also good. No jobs backed up.
            We have rebooted twice on a Sunday, and the users started complaiing Monday morning already.
            Jimmy Chiu
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 641
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              And it happens in both LID and portal?
              Basic Member
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                The problem only occurs on the LID (just verified with the users).
                Jimmy Chiu
                Veteran Member
                Posts: 641
                Veteran Member
                  Can you post your UNIVWIN.ini? Also, how many users do you have?
                  Basic Member
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                    If its the same as univ.cfg, then this is it. We have 288 active accounts, with a peak of about 50-60 during monthly closing. There are 23 users on the system right now.
                    * Configuration file for Lawson Universe Programs

                    mLAUAUSERS 2000 /* Max # of users read from the /etc/passwd file */
                    LAUAMINUID 700 /* Smallest user id that is read in from /etc/passwd file */
                    mPRINTERS 400 /* Maximum number of printers for prtdef */
                    CENTURY 20 /* 09/29/09 jjv001: 2-digit years (e.g. 10) are assigned century 20 if > CENTURY value. */
                    PRTMGR_DESC OFF /* Flag that causes the step desc. to be displayed in prtmgr. */
                    PRTMGR_HIDE ON /* Flag that causes prtmgr to hide duplicate leading fields */
                    mDSTGRPS 1000 /* Maximum number of distribution groups
                    DSTGRPSEC OFF /* Turn off security for distribution groups

                    Jimmy Chiu
                    Veteran Member
                    Posts: 641
                    Veteran Member
                      do you see any error in your latm.log?
                      Basic Member
                      Posts: 14
                      Basic Member
                        We don't use latm - had a lot of trouble with it, so it's been turned off for years. BUT it was turned on for one week recently to see if it would help with our screen freeze-ups, but it did not. I see no error messages in the latm.log during that period. Here's the latm.cfg file (only active during Feb 21 - Mar 3):
                        * Configuration file for Lawson Transaction Manager

                        APPLICATIONS 100 /* # of unique programs that can be up at one time */
                        RUNAPPS 100 /* # of running programs processes at one time */
                        REMOTEMACHINES 10 /* # of remote machines in the network */
                        REMOTEPROGRAMS 10 /* # of remote programs for each remote machine */
                        TCPUSERS 5 /* # of waiting users per tcptm process */
                        PMUSERS 400 /* # of lapm users */
                        MINUPTIME 5 /* # of minutes an program stays up after being closed */
                        MAXUPTIME 10 /* # of minutes an program can sit idle */
                        OPENTIMEOUT 60 /* # of secs programs have to start or read msg before assumed dead */
                        LOOPTIMEOUT 2 /* # of mins programs have to execute before assumed looping */
                        QUEATTEMPTS 5 /* # of times a full que is checked before full status is accepted */
                        WAKEUPINTERVAL 1 /* interval in minutes that lapm does housekeeping */
                        TIMESTAMP LONG /* short or long latm log time stamp format */
                        DEBUG OFF /* whether to turn on debugging at startup */
                        USELATM OFF /* whether to set USELATM file at startup */
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