Conditional Rule - One User

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    I need to create a conditional rule on the GLJournalEntries security class to allow  Inquire only access to the GL40-GL40.9 form for 1 of 6 users that are assigned the two roles that hold this security class.  That is to leave 5 of the users with ALL ACCESS to GL40-40.9 and have a rule to only allow 1 specific user to INQUIRE. Our Auditors have requested this.

    I would think a rule could accomplish this and  know where I have to go to do this and how to get to writing the rule, but I am struggling to get the rule set up, as I have only done a rule once and that was several years ago.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you,



    Dave Amen
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 75
    Veteran Member

      Hi Kate,
      I would suggest this method:
      Make the default access inquiry-only, so any user deserving update-access must be given a special Group.
      (in the following sequence, so nobody loses access while you're building the rule):

      1) In the RM tool, create a group with a name like "GLJEUpdate".
      2) Add that group to the 5 users who should have ALL_ACCESS.
      3) In your GLJournalEntries Security Class, go into each of the GL40.1-9 screens and add this rule:

      This accomplishes several things:
      It's short, sweet and easy to understand when reading the rule.
      You  can copy/paste the bolded section of the rule above to easily add it to all 9 screens in security.
      New users must be given the GLJEUpdate Group in order to have update-access (nobody can inadvertently be granted update-access by default).
      Your inquiry-only user will now have exactly that, inquiry-only.

      Let us know how it works out!

      (303) 773-3535

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        Thank you so much Dave!  I will definately get back to you on how it works out!


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        Posts: 7
        Basic Member


          This worked like a charm!  

          Thank you so much for your knowledge and for the clear and simple resolution!

