How 2 Convert Quartz Scheduler date/times?

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Milo Tsukroff
Veteran Member
Posts: 47
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    I'm writing some Crystal reports that hit the LBI table.  I want to know when reports are scheduled to run, and when they ran, etc.  I can build performance metrics against this once I can get this info.  Apparently the Quartz Scheduler stores date/time as a number using its own Java method.  The fields in question are in EJS_TRIGGERS -- NEXT_FIRE_TIME, PREV_FIRE_TIME, START_TIME, etc. 

    Does anyone know the algorithm to use to convert these times?  I see big massive numbers instead of anything sensible.  I want a Year-Month-Day HH-MM-SS:xxxx  result.  There must be some formula.


    Chris Martin
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 277
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      If I recall correctly, it's the number of milliseconds since the Unix base of Thursday 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 GMT.
      Milo Tsukroff
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 47
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        Thanks, Chris!  That's what I needed.  The times are stored in UNIX timestamp format, times 1,000 to give the millisecond.  I used this formula for the PREV_FIRE_TIME field:

        DateAdd ( "s", (INT({EJS_TRIGGERS.PREV_FIRE_TIME}/1000)-14400), #01/01/1970# )
        // 14400 = seconds for 4 hours - lag behind UCT for EDT

        There's an additional compensation for the time zone, because the times are stored in Universal Coordinated Time.

        Chris Martin
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 277
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          Glad to hear it helped.   Thanks for posting the specifics of what worked (as you always do).

          Basic Member
          Posts: 24
          Basic Member
            Along these same lines, i'm trying to find out the actual time that the report is scheduled, not the date. Do I get that from the Start_Time field from ejs_triggers, or is it another table? And can you provide the formula for deriving the time?

            Thank you!
            Greg Moeller
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 1498
            Veteran Member
              I found the scheduled time in ejs_cron_triggers.cron_expression.
              You'll have to manipulate the field a little bit, but the hour/minute are there. (along with the days, etc)
              Greg Moeller
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 1498
              Veteran Member
                We actually created a db view to get this report to work from..
                Create this view (we're Oracle here, so you may have to adjust for SQL)

                select -- selecting fields to create a dynamic listing of scheduled LBI reports
                trim(r.reportname) report_name,
                trim(r.description) report_desc,
                trim(t.trigger_name) schedule_name,
                trim(t.job_name) report_id,
                trim(c.cron_expression) cron_exp,
                trim(r.owner) owner
                from lawrs.ejs_triggers t
                join lawrs.ers_reports r on
                r.reportid = to_number (t.job_name)
                join lawrs.ejs_cron_triggers c on c.trigger_name = t.trigger_name and c.trigger_group = t.trigger_group
                where t.job_name <= '9999' and r.instanceid = '0';

                Then grab the attached report and run..

                Hope this helps,
                Basic Member
                Posts: 24
                Basic Member
                  Terrific, thanks Greg!

                  Oh, and we're working with SQL Developer, so your script works perfectly!
                  Greg Moeller
                  Veteran Member
                  Posts: 1498
                  Veteran Member
                    Glad to help!
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