monitoring addins use

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Matt Sherwood

Advanced Member

Posts: 22

Advanced Member

    Does anyone know how to monitor addins use on 8.1 apps 9.0.4 environment?  Trying to troubleshoot a problem and we think it may be caused by heavy addins use during month end close.  Right now the only thought we have is to use the webserver access logs. 


    Advanced Member

    Posts: 40

    Advanced Member

      Yes, we use something called Swatch Messaging??? on the Apache logs?? I didn't set it up, but do receive the messages
      We get a message something like this whenever someone accesses the database with addins:

      /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/"yourserver"-access_log is being watched by swatch.
      users IP address - - [31/Mar/2008:11:02:07 -0400] "POST /cgi-lawson/prodproj.exe HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      We then ping the IP Address to get a machine name with SMS and it's registered user.

      Let me know if you would like more information on the set up and I'll talk to the server guys and see what they can share.
      We were having serious issues with JVM available memory being gobbled up after our LSF 9 upgrade and thought Addins were the cause.
      Turns out they were not, but weren't helping the situation either with the new version in the way that it makes the dme calls.

      Matt Sherwood

      Advanced Member

      Posts: 22

      Advanced Member

        I would be very interested in learning how this was accomplished.  It sounds like it provides exactly what we need!



        John Henley

        Senior Member

        Posts: 3348

        Senior Member

          See this post as well:
          P.S. I moved this to the Add-Ins Forum...

          Thanks for using the forums!


          Advanced Member

          Posts: 40

          Advanced Member

            Matt, this is what our server guy told me.

            Swatch is used as a tail program in our websphere/apache access log, found here:

            Here is the swatch.src file that looks for MS Addins:


            # Tail monitor for WebSphere HTTP access log


            # TAILFILE=/usr/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/my-access_log


            perlcode 0 my $mailmsg=sprintf("%s\n%s\n","is being watched by swatch.","*" x 80);

            perlcode 0 my $head='^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\[(\S+)\s+\S+\]\s+"';

            # - - [24/Mar/2008:13:54:14 -0400] "POST /cgi-lawson/prodproj.exe HTTP/1.1" 200 11

            perlcode 0 my $msaddin='POST\s+\/cgi-lawson\/prodproj.exe\s+';

            # - - [01/Apr/2008:13:29:43 -0400] "POST /servlet/Router/Data/Erp HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5)"

            perlcode 0 my $msaddinpost='POST\s+\/servlet\/Router\/Data\/Erp\s+HTTP\/1\.1"\s+\d+\s+-.*Win32';


            watchfor /${head}${msaddin}/

            mail addresses=swatch4,subject=[SWATCH] MSAddin access from $1 at $2,message=$filename $mailmsg $_

            watchfor /${head}${msaddinpost}/

            mail addresses=swatch4,subject=[SWATCH] MSAddin POST from $1 at $2,message=$filename $mailmsg $_

            # end of swatch.conf

            The red text is the data as it appears in the log. The Addins creates a unique entry.

            hope that helps you some.


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