Lawson Software

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CB220 - Bank History Report

Run CB220 (Bank History Report) to list transaction history for a cash code.

Updated Files

    CBBANKENT  - Used to validate bank.

    CBBANKINST - Used to validate bank transaction code.

    CBCASHCODE - Used to validate cash code.

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    CBCCGRP    -

    CBGRPCC    -

    CBTRANS    - Bank transaction is the primary file of the report.

    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    GLADDRESS  - Referenced by general ledger common routines.

    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Referenced by general ledger common routines.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
