Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


GLVW.1 - Build GL Accounting Unit View

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    RATOTALS   - This file is updated with ratio analysis changes.

    ULTOTALS   - Used to store totals for an accounting unit list and an
                 account range.

Referenced Files

    CMPUTE     - Used to access compute statement information.

    CUCONV     - Used to access currency exchange rates.

    CURELAT    - Used to access relationship records.

    GLADDRESS  - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
                 program.  This file is not used by this program.

    GLCGCPY    - Used to access the companies associated with a company group.

    GLCHART    - Used to access chart information.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to access detail account information.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used to access summary account information.

    GLCPYGRP   -

    GLMASTER   - Used to access posting account information.

    GLNAMES    - Used to access posting account information.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to access company information.

    MLCALMAP   -


    MXLISTHDR  - Used to validate the existence of an object list.

    MXLISTMBR  - Used to access accounting units associated with an accounting
                 unit list.

    MXVIEWDTL  - Used to access the accounting unit view definition.

    RWFORMAT   - Used to access report writer format information.

    RWGRPDET   - Used to access report writer group detail information.

    RWHEADER   - Used to access report writer header information.

    RWROWDET   - Used to access report writer row information.

    ULPOST     - Used to access last posting date and time.

INVOKED Programs


Calling Programs
