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IC134 - Inventory Turnover

Run this program to print the Inventory Turnover report based on item sales.
Run this program if you use the Order Entry application. Otherwise, if you do
not use the Order Entry application, run IC135 (Inventory Turnover by Issues)
to base inventory turnover rates on item issues.

This form calculates inventory turnover rates based on sales quantities and
average stock-on-hand quantities. In order to calculate accurate turnover
rates, you must run this program immediately after you close an inventory
period in IC190 (Closing). The closing batch program (IC190) captures period
end balances and calculates average stock-on-hand quantities.

Calculations used by this form are listed below.

Average Inventory is the sum of period end item stock-on-hand quantities
divided by the number of periods for which balances exist.

Turnover Rate is the sum of inventory sales quantities for the last 12 months
divided by average inventory quantities.

This program requires you to enter the period and year range for which to
calculate turnover rates. For example, enter
1 1993 - 4 1993
to calculate turnover rates for the first four periods in 1993. This form also
provides an update option which enables you to update inventory turnover rates
to Item Location records in IC12.1 (Item Location). You can select the items
affected by this form by location, report group, and/or sales class.

Note: You must release all transaction documents for the period and run IC130
(General Ledger Interface) in update mode before you can run IC190 (Closing).
Refer to the Inventory Control User Guide for more information on closing
inventory periods.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used in backout or restart circumstances.

    ITEMLOC    - Used to retrieve the item location information and average
                 stock-on-hand quantity.

Referenced Files

    GLADDRESS  - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    GLCHART    - This file contains chart and system account information in the
                 General Ledger system.

    GLCODES    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    ICBIN      - Used to validate bin numbers.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the existence of the company number.

    ICHISTORY  - Used to extract the quantity, cost, sales, and average
                 inventory figures.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the location selected.

    ICRPTGRP   - Used to validate the report group.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to retrieve the item descriptions and number of decimals.

    MAJORCL    - Used to validate the major class.

    MINORCL    - Used to validate the major-minor class.

INVOKED Programs
