Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


RW00.1 - Report Writer

Use RW00.1 (Report Writer) to define all aspects of a Report Writer report.
You can only define one style for each report. For example, you cannot
complete a report by defining organization levels in Style 1 and rows in Style
2. To complete a report, you must define at least one Folder and Process
Group, a format, and row information.

Use the Style 1 form tab to define a report with account rows and organization
level columns. This is a Balance Sheet style report. To define rows, you can
use a chart of accounts.

Use the Style 2 form tab to define a report with organization level rows and
account columns. This is a Profit and Loss style report. To define rows, you
can use an accounting unit view.

Use the Style 3 form tab to define a report with organization level and
account rows with neither defined as a  column. This is a Income Statement
style report.

Use the Options form tab to define various report options.

Use the Rpt Text form tab to define additional descriptions for the report.

Use the Distribution form tab to assign a group of people the report is sent
to, select a printer, select the number of copies, and save the report.

Use the Formats form tab to assign additional formats to the report.

Choose the Copy button to copy an existing report to help create a new one.

To complete a report, perform each function listed in one of the three style
folders. Do not mix the styles. For example, you cannot complete a report by
defining organization levels in Style 1 and rows in Style 2.

Updated Files

    RWDRILL    - This file is updated with report writer drill around

    RWREQUEST  - This file stores the report information maintained by this

Referenced Files

    CUCODES    - Used to validate currency codes.

    GLADDRESS  - This file is access by a common routine used by this program.
                 This file is not used by this program.

    GLCGCPY    - Used to access companies associated with a company group.

    GLCHART    - Used to validate that the chart exists.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used to validate summary accounts.

    GLCODES    - Used to validate the folder name and process group.

    GLCPYGRP   - Used to validate the company group.

    GLNAMES    - Used to validate an accounting unit.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate a company.

    MLLEDGER   -

    MXLISTHDR  - Used to validate an accounting unit list.

    MXLISTMBR  - Used to access accounting units associated with an accounting
                 unit list.

    MXVIEWDTL  - Used to access accounting unit lists associated with an
                 accounting unit view.

    MXVIEWHDR  - Used to validate an accounting unit view.

    RWFORMAT   - Used to validate the format name. Also, checks to ensure
                 columns are defined for the format and the format name is

    RWGRPDET   - Used to validate the level, account, or subaccount group.

    RWHEADER   - Used to validate the row name and level, account, and
                 subaccount groups.

    RWROWDET   - Used to ensure that row detail is defined and that rows are

    RWSTYLE    -

    RWUSER     - Used to validate authorized users.

RW00.2 - Level Range

Use RW00.2 (Level Range) to define the level or range of levels you want to
create reports for. You can define levels for a single company or company

Choose the Levels form tab to define company level addresses. The level
address identifies the location of information in the company structure.

Choose the Reporting Options form tab to select the report consolidation

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate companies.

    RWHEADER   - Used to validate level, account, and subaccount groups.

RW00.4 - Level Override

Use RW00.4 (Level Override) to limit levels included in the report. This
feature is commonly used with a both type row file.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate companies.

RW00.6 - Report Copy

Use RW00.6 (Report Copy) to create a new report by copying an existing one.
This provides a fast way to duplicate format information without having to
redefine a new format that is similar to an old one.

Updated Files

    RWREQUEST  - This file stores a copied Report Writer report.

Referenced Files

    GLCODES    - This file is accessed to validate the folder name.

    RWUSER     - This file is accessed to validate user access to a folder name.

INVOKED Programs
