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                             OIINVOICE FILE

                           Interface Invoice

This is an invoice batch interface file that can be used to interface invoice
records from a source outside of the Lawson Order Entry and Billing systems.
Once the records have been loaded to this file, BL520 (Billing Interface) can
be run to load the records into the Lawson Billing system.




BL520     BL98.1


OII-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BL98.1
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

OII-INVC-PREFIX        Alpha 2                                   BL98.1
Element: Invoice PrefixInvoice or credit memo prefix must be
                       entered here for every invoice or credit
                       memo interfaced into the Billing system.
                       If this were a record created online or
                       by OE129 (Daily Shipment Journal), the
                       system would assign the prefix defined
                       at either the company or process level,
                       depending on the invoice level option

OII-INVC-NUMBER        Numeric 8                                 BL98.1
Element: Invc Number   Invoice or credit memo number must be
                       unique within your company and must be
                       entered on this field for every record
                       interfaced into the system. For invoices
                       created online or via OE129 (Daily
                       Shipment Journal), the invoice number is
                       automatically assigned by the system.

OII-PROCESS-LEVEL      Alpha 5                                   BL98.1
Element: Process Level This field contains the process level,
                       which is the reporting hierarchy below
                       company. It must be entered on every
                       invoice or credit interfaced into the
                       system from this file.

OII-LOCATION           Alpha 5                                   BL98.1
Element: Location Code This field contains a valid stock
                       location within the company inventory.
                       Can optionally be entered or if left
                       blank will default when BL520 (Billing
                       Interface) adds the invoice to the

OII-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                BL98.1
Element: Customer NumbeCustomer number representing a unique
                       customer number. It must be entered on
                       every invoice or credit that is
                       interfaced into the system from this

OII-SHIP-TO            Numeric 4                                 BL98.1
Element: Ship-to Code  Customer's ship-to number. Can
                       optionally be entered on this field if
                       the invoice or credit pertains to an
                       order that was sent to a customer
                       ship-to location instead of the customer
                       bill-to location.

OII-BILL-TO            Numeric 4                                 BL98.1
Element: Bill To       This field contains the bill-to
                       customer number.

OII-INVC-TYPE          Alpha 4                                   BL98.1
Element: Invoice Type  Invoice type is maintained in this
                       field. This is a user-defined required
                       value that must be entered here and can
                       be set up on BL06.1 (Invoice Type).
                       Invoice type identifies the record being
                       entered as either an invoice or credit

OII-REASON-CODE        Alpha 4                                   BL98.1
Element: Reason Code   Reason code is used to indicate the
                       cause for credit memos. It is allowed on
                       invoices also. If entered, it must be
                       valid in the Reason Code file.

OII-INVOICE-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL98.1
Element: Invoice Date  This is the date that the invoice is
                       created. Basis date for the terms
                       discount and due date calculations. For
                       system-generated invoices, the invoice
                       date is the system date assigned when
                       OE129 (Daily Shipment Journal) is run.
                       For manual invoices, this date will
                       default to the system date and can be

OII-GL-DATE            Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL98.1
Element: General LedgerThis field contains the general ledger
                       posting date. If left blank, the system
                       date will default onto this field.

OII-PRICE-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL98.1
Element: Date          This is the date with which the price
                       will be determined. This will default to
                       the invoice date if left blank or can be
                       overridden when entering an invoice into
                       the system.

OII-TAX-DATE           Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL98.1
Element: Date          This is the date used by a third-party
                       taxing system to determine when the tax
                       should be assessed.

OII-CURRENCY-CODE      Alpha 5                                   BL98.1
Element: Currency Code This field contains the company's base
                       currency code defined in the General
                       Ledger system.

OII-CURR-RATE          Signed 14.7                               BL98.1
Element: Currency Rate The currency rate. This can be left
                       blank or will default from the currency
                       file when the invoice is interfaced from
                       this file.

OII-REVALUE-FL         Alpha 1                                   BL98.1
Element: Revalue       This revalue flag is used by the
                       Accounts Receivable system if
                       multicurrency processing is used. If the
                       invoice is interfaced with a non-base
                       currency code, this flag will default to

OII-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  BL98.1
Element: Tax Code      This field contains a code representing
                       the tax authorities this ship-to pays
                       sales tax to. This must be a valid Tax
                       Code file.

OII-TAXABLE-TOTAL      Signed 18.2                               BL98.1
Element: Intl Amt      This is the amount of the invoice that
                       is taxable.

OII-TERMS-CD           Alpha 5                                   BL98.1
Element: Terms Code    This is the customer's payment terms
                       code that must be valid in the Terms

OII-ORDER-NBR          Numeric 8                                 BL98.1
Element: Order Number  This is the order number that is
                       associated with the invoice. Optionally
                       can be entered on this record.

OII-SHIPMENT-NBR       Numeric 10                                BL98.1
Element: Shipment NumbeThis can optionally be entered as the
                       shipment number of the order to which
                       this invoice corresponds.

OII-SHIP-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL98.1
Element: Date          This field contains the ship date.  If
                       left blank, the system date defaults.

OII-CHECK-NBR          Numeric 8                                 BL98.1
Element: Payment NumberThis is the payment number that was
                       submitted as a down payment or cash in
                       advance for the invoice or order
                       associated with this invoice.

OII-CIA-AMT            Signed 18.2                               BL98.1
Element: Intl Amt      This is the amount of cash in advance
                       (down payment) that was entered when
                       placing the customer's order or invoice.

OII-LETTER-OF-CR       Alpha 20                                  BL98.1
Element: Letter of CredThis field contains the letter of

OII-TERRITORY          Alpha 4                                   BL98.1
Element: Sales TerritorThis is the sales territory to which
                       the customer being invoiced belongs.

OII-SALESMAN           Numeric 4                                 BL98.1
Element: Salesman NumbePrimary sales representative
                       responsible for this order or invoice.
                       Defaults from the customer ship-to for
                       this invoice, or if ship-to is not
                       entered, will default from the customer

OII-COMM-RATE-1        Percent 7.5  (Percent)                    BL98.1
Element: Chrg Rate     This field contains the commission rate
                       of the primary sales representative.
                       This defaults from the sales
                       representative's file.

OII-SALESMAN-2         Numeric 4                                 BL98.1
Element: Salesman NumbeThis is the secondary sales
                       representative responsible for this
                       order or invoice. Defaults from the
                       customer ship-to for this order, or if
                       ship-to is not entered, will default
                       from the customer master file.

OII-COMM-RATE-2        Percent 7.5  (Percent)                    BL98.1
Element: Chrg Rate     This field contains the commission rate
                       for the second sales representative.
                       This defaults from the sales
                       representative's file.

OII-COMM-SPLIT         Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    BL98.1
Commission Split       Portion of the invoice or order the
Percentage             second sales representative's commission
                       percent is applied to. The first sales
                       representative's commission percent is
                       applied to the remaining amount.
                       Defaults from the customer master file.

OII-REFERENCE          Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    BL98.1
Element: Reference     This is an available field to enter any
                       kind of reference information on the
                       order or invoice.

OII-CUST-PO-NBR        Alpha 22                                  BL98.1
Element: Customer P.O. This is the customer purchase order
                       number associated with this order or

OII-AR-CODE            Alpha 4                                   BL98.1
Accounts Receivable    This is the Accounts Receivable code
Code                   (tied to the Accounts Receivable general
                       ledger account) that will be or has been
                       debited for this order or invoice.

OII-ENTERED-DISC       Signed 18.2                               BL98.1
Element: Intl Amt      This is the amount of the add-on
                       discount entered in invoice currency.
                       Note: a system invoice can have both an
                       entered discount as well as an order

OII-FREIGHT-CODE       Alpha 2                                   BL98.1
Element: Freight Code  This field contains the freight code.
                       This is must be valid in the Order Entry
                       Freight Code file. This determines
                       whether carrier and charge are allowed
                       for the shipment.

OII-FRT-CHARGE         Signed 18.2                               BL98.1
Element: Intl Amt      This is the total amount of freight
                       being charged on this invoice.

OII-STD-COMM           Alpha 4 Occurs 6 Times                    BL98.1
Element: Standard CommeThis is an optional standard comment
                       code that can be placed on this
                       interface record and will print on the

OII-TRANS-USER1        Alpha 10                                  BL98.1
Element: Trans User1   This is the first user-defined field on
                       the invoice. This value will be passed
                       on the invoice into the Accounts
                       Receivable system.

OII-TRANS-USER2        Alpha 15                                  BL98.1
Element: Agent         This is the second user-defined field
                       on the invoice. This value will be
                       passed on the invoice into the Accounts
                       Receivable system.

OII-TRANS-USER3        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL98.1
Element: Trans User3   This is the third user-defined field on
                       the invoice. This value will be passed
                       on the invoice into the Accounts
                       Receivable system.

OII-TRANS-USER4        Numeric 9                                 BL98.1
Element: Trans User4   This is the fourth user-defined field
                       on the invoice. This value will be
                       passed on the invoice into the Accounts
                       Receivable system.

OII-TRANS-USER5        Signed 18.2                               BL98.1
Element: Intl Amt      This is the fifth user-defined field on
                       the invoice. This value will be passed
                       on the invoice into the Accounts
                       Receivable system.

OII-INVC-SOURCE        Alpha 1                                   BL520   BL98.1
Element: Invc Source   Any user-defined value can be placed on
                       this field to serve as select criteria
                       when running BL520 (Billing Interface).
                       Once the record has been added to the
                       Billing system, however, the Invoice
                       Source field will have an (I) on it,
                       indicating that it was interfaced.

OII-ORIG-INVC-PRE      Alpha 2                                   BL98.1
Element: Invoice PrefixThis field contains the prefix of the
                       original invoice against which the
                       return is being made.

OII-ORIG-INVC-NBR      Numeric 8                                 BL98.1
Element: Invc Number   This field contains the number of the
                       orginal invoice against which the return
                       is being made.

OII-AUTO-APP-FL        Alpha 1                                   BL98.1
Element: Auto App Fl   Automatically applies this credit memo
                       to the original invoice.

OII-BANK-INST-CODE     Alpha 3                                   BL98.1
Element: Transaction CoA transaction code represents a type of
                       cash payment, bill of exchange payment,
                       or bank service transaction.

OII-HOLD-CODE          Alpha 4                                   BL98.1
Element: Hold Code     This is the hold code that determines
                       why an invoice is on hol.  If there is a
                       value in this field, the invoice is on
                       hold and will be prevented from being
                       processed through the invoice printing

OII-TAX-EXEMPT-CD      Alpha 1                                   BL98.1
Element: Tax Exempt CodIndicates whether the invoice is tax
                       exempt or not.

OII-OEI-USR-FLD-01     Alpha 20                                  BL98.1
Element: Oei Usr Fld 01Interface invoice user field 1.

OII-OEI-USR-FLD-02     Alpha 20                                  BL98.1
Element: Oei Usr Fld 02Interface invoice user field 2.

OII-OEI-USR-FLD-03     Alpha 20                                  BL98.1
Element: Oei Usr Fld 03Interface invoice user field 3.

OII-OEI-USR-FLD-04     Alpha 20                                  BL98.1
Element: Oei Usr Fld 04Interface invoice user field 4.

OII-OEI-USR-FLD-05     Alpha 20                                  BL98.1
Element: Oei Usr Fld 05Interface invoice user field 5.

OII-EP-TYPE            Alpha 5                                   BL98.1
Element: Ep Type

OII-EP-ACCOUNT         Alpha 32                                  BL98.1
Element: Ep Account

OII-EP-EXP-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BL98.1
Element: Ep Exp Date

OII-EP-MARGIN-MIN      Signed 7.2
Element: Ep Margin Min

OII-EP-MARGIN-PCT      Percent 8.5  (Percent)
Element: Ep Margin Pct

                         OIINVOICE FILE INDEX


OIISET1   COMPANY                                                BL520   BL98.1
          INVC-PREFIX                                            BL98.2

OIISET2   COMPANY                                                BL199

                         OIINVOICE FILE RELATIONS



Oecompany      OECOMPANY    Required

                            OII-COMPANY        -> OEC-COMPANY

                         OIINVOICE FILE RELATIONS



Invcmisc       OIINVCMISC   Delete Cascades

                            OII-COMPANY        -> OIX-COMPANY
                            OII-INVC-PREFIX    -> OIX-INVC-PREFIX
                            OII-INVC-NUMBER    -> OIX-INVC-NUMBER
                            Zeroes             -> OIX-LINE-NBR

Oiinvcline     OIINVCLINE   Delete Cascades

                            OII-COMPANY        -> OIZ-COMPANY
                            OII-INVC-PREFIX    -> OIZ-INVC-PREFIX
                            OII-INVC-NUMBER    -> OIZ-INVC-NUMBER