Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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PR135 - Time Record Edit

Run PR135 (Time Record Edit) to verify the accuracy of all time records
entered in the Payroll system. Options let you include Current, Error, and
Processed status time records, or you can include only Batch, Future, or Error
status, or you can include all statuses.

If you are using the LAWSON INSIGHT Time Accrual system, you can define
parameters to edit the employee's current eligible time accrual balance
against any hours entered for the employee. Employees with entered hours that
exceed their current eligible balance print on a separate edit report.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    EMPLOYEE   - Used to retrieve employee information, validate the employee's
                 status and security level, and provide the sort order for the

    EMSTATUS   - Used to retrieve the employee's pay status.

    EMTAMASTR  - Used to load time accrual plans and to retrieve the plan name
                 and eligible hours balance.

    HRSECLEV   - Used to validate the employee's data item security level.

    PACOMMENTS - Used to retrieve comments for printing on the report.

    PLANMASTER - Used to retrieve the plan name and the associated pay class.

    PRPAYCODE  - Used to retrieve the pay code description.

    PRPROCGRP  - Used to validate the processing group.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

    PSGRELATE  - Used to validate the pay summary group.

    TIMERECORD - Used to retrieve time record information.

    TRSGBLCK   -

INVOKED Programs
