LSF9 system and changing IP address..

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    Our Windows LSF9 system is working fine but as part of our network "redo", they are chanigng the entire IP structure of our LAN. Are there any documents decribing the Lawson areas that would be impacted by changing the IP address?


    John Henley
    Posts: 3353
      For LSF9,
      1. use ssoconfig to dump out the services and change their definitions.
      2. pfserv config
      3. WFxx forms for EDI if you use EDI
      You will also need to change in Websphere and IIS (assuming you're using it)
      Are you changing domain name in addition to IP address?
      Do you have products beside LSF9, like LBI and/or PSA?
      Thanks for using the forums!
      New Member
      Posts: 3
      New Member
        Thanks for your reply John.
        0. We are changing onlt the IP address not the domain name.
        1. We do not use EDI.
        2. Our Windows install does use Websphere and IIS (no LBI or PSA). Can you hint at how to handle the IP changes needed by those two products.

        >>> 10/13/2008 5:39 PM >>>

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        John Henley Posted:10/13/2008 8:39 PM Subject: RE: LSF9 system and changing IP address..

        For LSF9,
        1. use ssoconfig to dump out the services and change their definitions.
        2. pfserv config
        3. WFxx forms for EDI if you use EDI
        You will also need to change in Websphere and IIS (assuming you're using it)
        Are you changing domain name in addition to IP address?
        Do you have products beside LSF9, like LBI and/or PSA?

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        Thank you,
        John Henley
        Posts: 3353

          Depending on how you have IIS configured, you may or may not have to change the IP address associated with the Lawson website. In other words, if you have (All Unassigned) as the IP addressed, you don't have to change anything.

          Hopefully you used a hostname when you installed Websphere and can just change the underlying IP address.

          If not, you will need to change a bunch of conguration files in Websphere as well as visit the virtual hosts section, change the webserver ip address (if you specified it), and re-generate the plug-in.

          Here are some links on what is involved:

          You might find that it's actually easier to remove and re-install Websphere with the new hostname, and then re-configure Bouncy castle and re-deploy Lawson EARs.

          Thanks for using the forums!
          New Member
          Posts: 3
          New Member

            I'm new to Lawson and don't appreciate the steps you outlined. You wrote

            "For LSF9,

            1. use ssoconfig to dump out the services and change their definitions.."

            The first thing I did was change the IP address of our test LSF 9 Server. (The domain name is NOT being changed).
            Next I opened a DOS box in Windows and type "ssoconfig'

            As I thought, this command is used to change SSO settings. What option did you intend me to use to "dump out the services and change their definitons"?

            Thank you,
