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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR131 - Automatic Memo Application

Run AR131 (Automatic Memo Application) to automatically apply the following
kinds of credit memos:

1.    Those that cross reference open items (invoices or debit memos).

2.    Those that do not cross reference open items for selected customers.

Selected customers are those that have the Auto Cash flag set to Yes and the
Apply Method field set to A (Algorithm), B (Balance Forward), or L (Last
Statement) in the Application form tab of AR10.1 (Customer).

AR131 allows you to automatically apply credit memos to national account

If you entered Yes in the Auto Credit Apply field in AR01.1, AR131 allows you
to automatically apply a credit memo for an account customer or an invoiced
customer that references an invoice or debit memo of any customer in the
national account relationship.

Before you run AR131, you must set up companies and add credit memos. In
AR01.1 (Company), you must enable companies to use AR131 by selecting Yes in
the Auto Credit Apply field. In addition, you must add credit memos using
AR42.2 (Transaction Entry). In AR42.2, for each credit memo to be processed by
AR131, select one of the companies you defined with Yes in the Auto Credit
Apply field in AR01.1. Add cross references to a transaction to a credit memo
by accessing the Expanded subform from AR42.2 (Transaction Entry) or by
interfacing credit memos in AR560 (Transaction Interface).

AR131 does not compare the credit memo amount to the cross referenced invoice
or debit memo amount. Because of this, partial applications may occur.
Discounts and automatic adjustment tolerances are not applicable, and no
adjustment records are created.

AR131 creates a report of the automatic memo application by customer and by
transaction number within each customer and includes report totals. An
asterisk (*) prints in the "TC" (transaction currency) column for applications
made to open items that have a currency different from the company base

Updated Files

    ARADJUST   - Creates adjustment records for discounts, write-offs, and
                 currency gain/loss.

    ARAPPLIED  - Primary file updated by program.

    ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balance.

    ARCUSTPER  - Customer period totals updated in API called by the program.

    ARDRAFTS   -

    AROITEMS   - Updates open item applied amount, open item applied sequence
                 number, and open item status.

    AROPIVOT   -


    ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.

    ARREASON   - Obtains reason code information in creation of adjustment


    ARUOIHDR   -

    CKPOINT    - The environment file used for recovery.

    CUSTDESC   - Updates customer description balance.

    NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.

Referenced Files


    ARCOMP     - Validates company.



    AROIHDR    - Used for to access open item records.

    AROPTR     - Validates operator and set used flag.




    CUACCT     - Obtains currency information in creation of gain/loss
                 adjustment record.

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    GLADDRESS  - Used as part of company validation.

    GLCHART    - Used as part of general ledger account validation.

    GLCODES    - Verifies general ledger dates.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates general ledger company information.

    NATACCT    - Verifies national account relationship.

INVOKED Programs
