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AC165 - Percent Complete Calculation

**Form Purpose
Run Percent Complete Calculation (AC165) to calculate percentage complete for
activity groups, activities, and account categories. You can measure activity
progress by calculating the percentage of budget completed to date. Using
AC65.1 (Activity Percentage of Completion), you can store the percentage of
completion and revise it when actual conditions deviate from the plan.
Revising the percentage of completion also revises the completion amount, or
cost to complete.

**Processing Effect
No means do not use the revenue parameters. Calculate percent complete as an
informational measurement of activity progress. When running this program to
measure activity progress, enter a posting-level activity.  The program
calculates percent complete based on the total budgeted amount for the
activity compared to actual costs to date.

Yes means use the revenue parameters established in AC14.1 (Activity
Revenue). Calculate percent complete or gross margin to be used for revenue
calculation. When running this program to calculate activity percentage of
completion or gross margin, enter the activity for which the revenue
parameters were established. This program uses the revenue parameters
established in AC14.1 to determine which method to use for the calculation:
percent complete, gross margin, segment, non-segment, account category group
or total costs.

Percent complete is calculated as follows:

Percent Complete = Cost to Date / Life to Date Budget

Gross Margin is calculated as follows:

Gross Margin = Gross Profit / Contract Amount

Updated Files

    ACPERCCMPL - This is the primary file maintained by this program. Maintains
                 percent complete records by activity.

    ACPERCMPLX - This is the primary file maintained by this program. Maintains
                 percent complete records by account category.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    MXLISTHDR  - Updates the Last Build Time and Last Build Date fields on this

    MXLISTMBR  - Updates the new activities included in the list.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - References this file to validate the account category.

    ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
                 assigned to the activity group or activity.

    ACACTGRP   - References this file to validate the activity group.

    ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity.

    ACACTMXVAL - References this file to validate activity attributes and


    ACAMCODE   - References this file to validate the activity asset.

    ACASSIGN   - References this file to validate resources assigned to an

    ACBILL     -

    ACBILLX    -

    ACBUDDTL   - References this file to retrieve annual budget and future
                 years budget balances for activity budgets.

    ACBUDHDR   - References this file to retrieve the total budget balance for
                 the activity budget.

    ACCATGRP   -



    ACCOLGRP   -


    ACCONSOL   - References this file to retrieve year-to-date budget and
                 actual amounts and calculate life-to-date budget and actual
                 amounts for summary-level activities in activity group

    ACCONSOLX  - References this file to retrieve period-to-date budget and
                 actual amounts for summary-level activities in activity group

    ACIFACTV   -

    ACLEVEL    - References this file to determine if the activity is summary
                 level or posting.

    ACMASTER   - References this file to retrieve year-to-date actual amounts
                 and calculate life-to-date actual amounts for posting-level
                 activities in activity group currency.

    ACMASTERX  - References this file to retrieve period-to-date actual amounts
                 for posting-level activities in activity group currency.

    ACSTATUS   - References this file to validate the processing status for the

    MXCATDEF   - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    MXELEMENT  - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    MXLISTDTL  - References this file to validate list parameters.

    MXOBJCAT   - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
