Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AC420 - Budget Variance Report

**Form Purpose
Run Budget Variance Report (AC420) to print a report of the variance between
activity budgets and actuals.

IMPORTANT: AC420 prints posting level activities only. You cannot run this
report for Summary or Contract level activities.

**Processing Effect
The program reads the Activity Master and Activity Budget files for activity
group base amounts. If the activity has a non-base currency, the program reads
the Activity Currency Amount files for both the actual and budget amounts.
(Units actuals and budgets are always maintained in the Activity Master and
Activity Budget files.)

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    MXLISTHDR  - Updates the Last Build Time and Last Build Date fields on this

    MXLISTMBR  - Updates the new activities included in the list.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - References this file to validate the account category and
                 retrieve the description.

    ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate account categories assigned
                 to the activity group or activity.

    ACACCTCLSS - References this file to validate the account category class
                 and retrieve the description.

    ACACTGRP   - References this file to validate the activity group and
                 retrieve the activity group description.

    ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity and retrieve the
                 activity information.

    ACACTMXVAL - References this file to validate activity attributes and
                 values. Used with activity lists.


    ACAMCODE   - References this file to validate the activity asset. Used with
                 activity lists.

    ACASSIGN   - References this file to validate the manager resource assigned
                 to the activity. Used with activity lists.

    ACBILL     -

    ACBILLX    -

    ACBUDDTL   - References this file to retrieve year-to-date budget amounts
                 and calculate life-to-date budget amounts in activity group

    ACBUDDTLX  - References this file to retrieve period-to-date budget amounts
                 in activity group currency.

    ACBUDHDR   - References this file to validate the activity budget header.

    ACCATGRP   -


    ACCOLGRP   -


    ACCUAMT    - References this file to retrieve year-to-date budget and
                 actual amounts and calculate life-to-date budget and actual
                 amounts for posting-level activities in activity (non-base)

    ACCUAMTX   - References this file to retrieve period-to-date budget and
                 actual amounts for posting-level activities in activity
                 (non-base) currency.

    ACIFACTV   -

    ACLEVEL    - References this file to determine if the activity is summary
                 level or posting.

    ACMASTER   - References this file to retrieve year-to-date actual amounts
                 and calculate life-to-date actual amounts for posting-level
                 activities in activity group currency.

    ACMASTERX  - References this file to retrieve period-to-date actual amounts
                 for posting-level activities in activity group currency.

    ACSTATUS   -

    MXCATDEF   - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    MXELEMENT  - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    MXLISTDTL  - References this file to validate list parameters.

    MXOBJCAT   - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
