Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL310 - Report Currency Purge

**Form Purpose
Run Report Currency Purge (GL310) to purge a company's report currency
records from historical files and remove the report currency from the company.

After you purge a report currency from a company, you can select a new report
currency in its place.

Note You should run all interface programs that you generally run as part of
processing prior to running GL310. Files that include a report currency will
not be updated as they are interfaced.

Warning This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program,
back up your data according to your organization's procedures. Before you
submit the report, carefully review the parameters.

For more information, see the Currency User Guide.

$8 GL3111
**Form Purpose
Run Remote Site GL Transaction Upload (GL311) to send general ledger
transactions from a remote site directly to the Lawson General Ledger system.

**Processing Effect
If you defined the General Ledger system as a remote site, each subsystem
creates General Ledger transactions in a CSV transaction file. You must move
the CSV files to the target machine, import the data, and upload the data to
the General Ledger Transaction (GLTRANS) file in the General Ledger system.
After the transactions are uploaded to the General Ledger Transaction file,
you can post them to the General Ledger system.

The files are located in the $LAWDIR/productline/work/remoteglt directory on
the source machine.

Because each subsystem creates Remote Transaction records, more than one
REMOTEGLT file may exist. The system assigns a suffix number to each
additional REMOTEGLT file.

Use an Import command to load the CSV file data into the General Ledger
Remote Transfer (GLREMOTETX) field. This process creates an empty
REMOTEGLT.imp file. Otherwise, the file contains records that did not import.

Use this program to create transactions in GLTRANS. The transactions have a
Released status.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

    CUAMOUNT   -



    GLSYSTEM   -

    GLTRANS    -



    MLTRANS    -

    SLTRANS    -


Referenced Files


    GLCGCPY    -

    GLCHART    -

    GLCPYGRP   -


INVOKED Programs
