Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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BN15.1 - Benefit Plan

**Form Purpose
Use Benefit Plan (BN15.1) to define benefit plans for employees, retirees,
and COBRA participants.

**More Information
The types of benefit plans you can define include, but are not limited to,
health, dental, and disability. To further define most plan types, you select
a category. For example, for spending accounts, you indicate whether it's a
medical reimbursement or dependent care. For health plans, you indicate
whether it's a medical or vision plan.

Within each plan, you can define unique coverage, contributions, and waiting
periods for different groups of employees. For example, you can define a plan
with a 60-day waiting period for part-time employees and a 30-day waiting
requirement for full-time employees. The plan could offer union employees life
coverage as one, two or three times their salary, while non-union employees
can choose between one to five times their salary in coverage. Contributions
for the plan could be an annual $1,000 for employees in the Mid-west and
$2,000 for employees on the west coast.

Updated Files

    ADDRDATA   -

    BNACCOUNTS - The Benefit Accounts file validates general ledger override
                 account information.

    BNCOMMENTS - Comments are deleted from the Benefit Comments file when the
                 plan is deleted.

    BNCOVDFT   - Covered defaults are deleted from the Benefits Coverage
                 Defaults file when the plan is deleted.

    BNCOVERAGE - Coverage records are deleted from the Benefits Coverage file
                 when the plan is deleted.

    BNCOVOPT   - Covered options are deleted from the Benefits Coverage Options
                 file when the plan is deleted.

    BNINVEST   - Benefit investments are deleted from the Benefit Distribution
                 file when the plan is deleted and updated with investment

    BNPRMOPT   - The Premium Options file updates with premium option

    BNWAIT     - Benefits waiting periods are deleted from the Benefits Waiting
                 Period file when the plan is deleted.

    CONTRDETL  - The Contribution Detail Schedule is updated.

    DEDCODE    - Deduction codes are verified and the "Used" flag is
                 initialized when a plan is deleted.

    FLEXPLAN   - The Flex Plan file is updated to indicate flex benefit types.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file is the primary file updated by this

    PREMIUM    - The Premium file is updated with the status.

    PRPAYCODE  - The Pay Code file is updated with a benefits used flag.

Referenced Files

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

                 The Benefits file is accessed to ensure a plan is not deleted
                 if benefits exist.

    BNCARRIER  - The Insurance Carrier file validates the insurance carrier and
                 retrieves the carrier name.

    BNCATEGORY - The Plan Category validates category entered on screen.

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the benefits

    BNFAMSTS   -


    BNPLNENR   -

    BNPOSTCODE - The Benefits Postal Code file validates the postal code table.

    CODA       - The Cash Or Deferred Account History file contains employee
                 account balances for defined contribution and defined benefit

    COMPHIST   - The Employee Compensation History file contains employee
                 compensation history data.

    DEDFREQTBL - The Frequency Table validates the deduction frequency.


    GLCHART    -

    GLCODES    -

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   -


    PARTBEN    - The COBRA Participants Benefit file is accessed to ensure a
                 plan is not deleted if COBRA participants or retiree benefits

    PAYCLASS   - The Pay Class file validates the benefits pay class.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file validates the employee group.

    PLANMASTER - The Time Accrual Plan file validates the plan and retrieves
                 the plan description.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
                 company information.

    RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file is accessed to verify rates and to
                 calculate the total employee rate.

    RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header file validates the rate table.

    TAPLAN     -


    UKNICAT    -

    VESTSCHDHD - The Vesting Schedule Detail file validates the vesting
                 schedule and retrieves the vesting schedule description.

BN15.2 - Plan Details

Use the Plan Eligibility Criteria subform to indicate who is eligible for the
benefit plan.

To limit employee eligibility, you can associate the benefit plan with an
employee group, postal code table, and flex plan. Employees must meet all of a
plan's eligibility criteria--including employee group, postal code, flex plan,
and waiting period--to enroll in the plan.

Retirees can be eligible to enroll in health, dental, employee life, and
dependent life plans. To limit retiree eligibility into the plan, you can
associate an employee group with the benefit plan. Only retirees in the group
are eligible to enroll in the plan.

COBRA participants can be eligible to enroll in health, dental, employee
life, dependent life, and spending account plans.

Updated Files

    PLAN       -

Referenced Files


    PRSYSTEM   -

INVOKED Programs
